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Provides quick application scaffolding as well as HTML and JSON API interfaces for model CRUD.


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Provides quick application scaffolding as well as HTML and JSON API interfaces for model CRUD.

Project Goal

To give you the ability to scaffold your data model in thirty minutes or less by hand or by script.

We let you quickly produce everything necessary (models, transformers, repositories, etc.) and wire it together in a single console command, instantly exposing your data for Create Read Update and Delete operations via both an "Admin Panel" web GUI and a RESTful JSON API.

tl;dr: You write migrations, we give you an admin panel + API

Project Status


Super early days, feature incomplete, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.


Via Composer

$ composer require jspaceboots/laracrud


First you need to publish the config and public assets:

php artisan vendor:publish

Next modify your applications config/crud.php to suit the needs of your project. Once you're done:

php artisan laracrud:make:model MySingularModel

This will generate the files necessary for LaraCRUD to hook into your data model, specifically a:

  • Model
  • Repository
  • Transformer
  • Migration

These will be generated in directories matching the namespaces laid out in config/crud.php. For instance, if your repositories namespace is set to "\App\Repositories\" the generated repository will be written to app/repositories. The one exception is the migration, which will be placed in database/migrations. In addition to generating these files the generated model will be added to the routing configuration in config/crud.php.

From here you only need to fill out the generated migration and then run:

php artisan migrate

At this point all non-relational fields of your model should be fully accessible via http://{{domain}}/crud/{{model}} and http://{{domain}}/api/crud/{{model}}

LaraCRUD Conventions

Table conventions

  • LaraCRUD requires the PK of every entity be 'id'.
  • LaraCRUD requires FKs to conform to this syntax: {{foreign_model}}_id
    • examples: toaster_id, user_role_id
  • LaraCRUD requires the name of join tables for M:N relations to conform to this syntax: {{model_table_1}}_{{model_table_2}} (order is not important)
    • examples: users_roles, toasters_heating_coils
  • LaraCRUD requires that join tables for M:N relations will contain at least two columns: {{foreign_model_1}}_id & {{foreign_model_2}}_id
    • examples: user_id & role_id, toaster_id & heating_coil_id

The laracrud:make:model command will generate table names by transforming your camel case model name (MyModel) into an underscore seperated representation and pluralizing the last word (my_models).

Model conventions


  • LaraCRUD requires foreign keys conform to conventions laid out in Table conventions above
  • LaraCRUD requires you to define some additional metadata in your Repositories in order to traverse/persist M:N relations and reverse 1:M


Removing the CRUD

If you're using LaraCRUD to bootstrap a project, or just wish to remove LaraCRUD at some future point, simply run:

php artisan laracrud:eject

This will remove the dependancy to LaraCRUDs Abstract classes from the models, repositories, and transformers that have been generated, remove the packages published configuration and assets from your project, and finally de-register the LaraCRUD service provider with your Laravel instance.

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email :author_email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Provides quick application scaffolding as well as HTML and JSON API interfaces for model CRUD.



MIT, MIT licenses found

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Code of conduct





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