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I no longer use these dotfiles. Instead, I use the thoughtbot dotfiles with my own customizations.


Install and use iTerm2.

Set zsh as your login shell:

chsh -s $(which zsh)

Change to your home directory and clone this repo, then change to the new dotfiles directory.

cd && git clone
cd dotfiles

Download submodules

git submodule init
git submodule update

Install homebrew.

Run brew bundle to install all packages in the Brewfile

brew bundle


env RCRC=$HOME/dotfiles/rcrc rcup

This will create symlinks for config files in your home directory. The -x options, which exclude the and Brewfile files, are needed during installation but can be skipped after the first time.

Rename /etc/zshenv to /etc/zprofile.

sudo mv /etc/zshenv /etc/zprofile

By default, OS X's zsh config resets PATH for every zsh instance, which can cause problems with Vim. More info here.

Set up vundle:

git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
vim +PluginInstall +qa

Remap Caps Lock to Control. Thank me later.

System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Tab -> Modifier Keys

Configure iTerm:

  • Install the light and dark Solarized for iTerm2 themes.
    • Set them in Profiles > Colors > Load Presets
  • Under Profiles > Terminal
    • Set Scrollback Lines to 0 if you are using tmux.
    • Set Report Terminal Type to xterm-256color
  • Under Profiles > Text
    • Disable Draw bold text in bright colors

Configure git. Create a ~/.gitconfig.local file and replace the following with your information:

    name = 'Josh Steiner'
    email = ''
    user = jsteiner

If you like what you see in osx-settings, run ./osx-settings.


Pull down changes:

git pull origin master

Use rcm to symlink new dotfiles:


Make your own customizations

Put your customizations in dotfiles appended with .local:

  • ~/.aliases.local
  • ~/.gitconfig.local
  • ~/.tmux.conf.local
  • ~/.vimrc.local
  • ~/.vimrc.bundles.local
  • ~/.zshrc.local

For example, your ~/.aliases.local might look like this:

# Productivity
alias todo='$EDITOR ~/.todo'

Your ~/.gitconfig.local might look like this:

  l = log --pretty=colored
  colored = format:%Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)%an%Creset
  name = Dan Croak
  email =

Your ~/.zshrc.local might look like this:

# recommended by brew doctor
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"

Your ~/.vimrc.bundles.local might look like this:

Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline'
Bundle 'stephenmckinney/vim-solarized-powerline'

Git Safe

.git/safe/../../bin has been added to the path. Run mkdir .git/safe in the root of repositories that you trust, for binstubs in those repos to be added to your path.

What's included?

vim configuration:

  • Ctrl-P for fuzzy file/buffer/tag finding.
  • Rails.vim for enhanced navigation of Rails file structure.
  • Run RSpec specs from vim in tmux.
  • Set <leader> to , (comma).
  • Use Ag instead of Grep when available.
  • Use Solarize color scheme, use F5 to toggle between light and dark.
  • Use Vundle to manage plugins.

tmux configuration:

  • Improve color resolution.
  • Set prefix to Ctrl+a (like GNU screen).
  • Seamlessly move between vim and tmux panes with Ctrl+h,j,k,l

Shell aliases and scripts:

  • j for quickly navigating around the filesystem. See fasd
  • b for bundle
  • g for git
  • c for rails console
  • tat for tmux attach -t
  • tns for tmux new -s

git configuration:

  • Use concise formatting of git status with gs
  • Use consise formatting of git log with gl

Ruby configuration:

  • Add trusted binstubs to the PATH.
  • Support for rbenv and chruby


This repo is deprecated






No releases published


No packages published


  • Shell 56.0%
  • Vim Script 40.8%
  • Ruby 3.2%