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Software Updates

julia-ha edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 3 revisions

This page provides instructions for updating the software for a Juncture site.

When the Juncture site was created using the fork method

First, add the original repository as the remote source you want to update from. Then, fetch the changes into your forked repository. To do this, run the following commands in your workspace:

# add the original repository as remote repository called "upstream"
git remote add upstream

# fetch all changes from the upstream repository
git fetch upstream

# switch to the master branch of your fork
git checkout master

# merge changes from the upstream repository into your fork
git merge upstream/master

When the Juncture site was created using the template method

TODO (describe how to manually update the index.html file)

When the Juncture site was manually created

TODO (describe how to manually update the index.html file)

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