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Rewritten the pretty-printer using wl-pprint + fixed bugs in pretty-p…
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…rinting of expression statements
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achudnov committed Oct 14, 2013
1 parent 5714674 commit 8980466
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Showing 4 changed files with 88 additions and 42 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions CHANGELOG
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
Version change log.

Ported the pretty printer to use 'wl-pprint' instead of
'pretty'. Pretty-printed code is now more compact and resembles common
formatting conventions. Fixed bugs where the pretty-printer produced
unparseable source representations for expression statements starting with
'{' or "function".

Fixed an error in the .cabal file that prevented some of the test modules
to be packaged.
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions language-ecmascript.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: language-ecmascript
Version: 0.15.2
Version: 0.15.3
Cabal-Version: >= 1.10
Copyright: (c) 2007-2012 Brown University, (c) 2008-2010 Claudiu Saftoiu,
(c) 2012-2013 Stevens Institute of Technology
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Library
base >= 4 && < 5,
mtl >=,
parsec < 3.2.0,
pretty >= 0.1,
wl-pprint == 1.*,
containers >= 0.1,
uniplate >= 1.6 && <1.7,
data-default-class >= 0.0.1 && < 0.1,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Test-Suite test
base >= 4 && < 5,
mtl >=,
parsec < 3.2.0,
pretty >= 0.1,
wl-pprint == 1.*,
containers >= 0.1 && < 0.6,
Expand Down
105 changes: 67 additions & 38 deletions src/Language/ECMAScript3/PrettyPrint.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ module Language.ECMAScript3.PrettyPrint (Pretty (..)
,PP (..)
) where

import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen hiding (Pretty)
import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax
import Prelude hiding (maybe, id)

Expand All @@ -33,43 +34,42 @@ instance Pretty (Statement a) where
prettyPrint s = case s of
BlockStmt _ ss -> asBlock ss
EmptyStmt _ -> semi
ExprStmt _ e@(CallExpr _ (FuncExpr {}) _ ) ->
parens (ppExpression True e) <> semi
ExprStmt _ e -> ppExpression True e <> semi
ExprStmt _ e | unsafeInExprStmt (e) -> parens (ppExpression True e) <> semi
ExprStmt _ e | otherwise -> ppExpression True e <> semi
IfSingleStmt _ test cons -> text "if" <+>
parens (ppExpression True test) $$
prettyPrint cons
IfStmt _ test cons alt -> text "if" <+> parens (ppExpression True test) $$
prettyPrint cons $$ text "else"
<+> prettyPrint alt
parens (ppExpression True test) </>
(nest 3 $ prettyPrint cons)
IfStmt _ test cons alt -> text "if" <+> parens (ppExpression True test) </>
(nest 3 $ prettyPrint cons) </> text "else"
<+> (nest 3 $ prettyPrint alt)
SwitchStmt _ e cases ->
text "switch" <+> parens (ppExpression True e) $$
braces (nest 2 (vcat (map prettyPrint cases)))
WhileStmt _ test body -> text "while" <+> parens (ppExpression True test)
$$ prettyPrint body
text "switch" <+> parens (ppExpression True e) <$>
braces (nest 3 (vcat (map prettyPrint cases)))
WhileStmt _ test body -> text "while" <+> parens (ppExpression True test) </>
prettyPrint body
ReturnStmt _ Nothing -> text "return" <> semi
ReturnStmt _ (Just e) -> text "return" <+> ppExpression True e <> semi
DoWhileStmt _ s e ->
text "do" $$
(prettyPrint s <+> text "while" <+> parens (ppExpression True e)
text "do" </>
(prettyPrint s </> text "while" <+> parens (ppExpression True e)
<> semi)
BreakStmt _ Nothing -> text "break" <> semi
BreakStmt _ (Just label) -> text "break" <+> prettyPrint label <> semi
ContinueStmt _ Nothing -> text "continue" <> semi
ContinueStmt _ (Just label) -> text"continue" <+> prettyPrint label
<> semi
LabelledStmt _ label s -> prettyPrint label <> colon $$ prettyPrint s
LabelledStmt _ label s -> prettyPrint label <> colon </> prettyPrint s
ForInStmt p init e body ->
text "for" <+>
parens (prettyPrint init <+> text "in" <+> ppExpression True e) $+$
parens (prettyPrint init <+> text "in" <+> ppExpression True e) </>
prettyPrint body
ForStmt _ init incr test body ->
text "for" <+>
parens (prettyPrint init <> semi <+> maybe incr (ppExpression True) <>
semi <+> maybe test (ppExpression True)) $$
semi <+> maybe test (ppExpression True)) </>
prettyPrint body
TryStmt _ stmt mcatch mfinally ->
text "try" $$ inBlock stmt $$ ppCatch $$ ppFinally
text "try" </> inBlock stmt </> ppCatch </> ppFinally
where ppFinally = case mfinally of
Nothing -> empty
Just stmt -> text "finally" <> inBlock stmt
Expand All @@ -78,15 +78,41 @@ instance Pretty (Statement a) where
Just cc -> prettyPrint cc
ThrowStmt _ e -> text "throw" <+> ppExpression True e <> semi
WithStmt _ e s -> text "with" <+> parens (ppExpression True e)
$$ prettyPrint s
</> prettyPrint s
VarDeclStmt _ decls ->
text "var" <+> cat (punctuate comma (map (ppVarDecl True) decls))
<> semi
FunctionStmt _ name args body ->
text "function" <+> prettyPrint name <>
parens (cat $ punctuate comma (map prettyPrint args)) $$
parens (cat $ punctuate comma (map prettyPrint args)) <+>
asBlock body

-- | A predicate to tell if the expression --when pretty-printed--
-- will begin with "function" or '{' and be thus unsafe to use in an
-- expression statement without wrapping it in '()'.
unsafeInExprStmt :: Expression a -> Bool
-- property: forall e. unsafeInExprStmt(e) <==> prettyPrint(e) begins
-- with "function" or '{'
unsafeInExprStmt = unsafeInExprStmt_ 15
where unsafeInExprStmt_ prec e =
case e of
ObjectLit {} -> True
DotRef _ obj _ | prec >= 1 -> unsafeInExprStmt_ 1 obj
BracketRef _ obj _ | prec > 0 -> unsafeInExprStmt_ 1 obj
UnaryAssignExpr a op lv | (op `elem` [PostfixInc, PostfixDec])
&& (prec > 3) -> unsafeLv 2 lv
InfixExpr _ _ l _ | prec >= 5 -> unsafeInExprStmt_ 5 l
CondExpr _ c _ _ | prec >= 12 -> unsafeInExprStmt_ 12 c
AssignExpr _ _ lv _ | prec >= 13 -> unsafeLv 2 lv
ListExpr _ (e:_) | prec >= 14 -> unsafeInExprStmt_ 14 e
CallExpr _ e _ | prec >= 2 -> unsafeInExprStmt_ 2 e
FuncExpr {} -> True
_ -> False
unsafeLv prec lv = case lv of
LVar {} -> False
LDot _ obj _ -> unsafeInExprStmt_ prec obj
LBracket _ obj _ -> unsafeInExprStmt_ prec obj

instance Pretty (CatchClause a) where
prettyPrint (CatchClause _ id s) =
text "catch" <+> (parens.prettyPrint) id <+> inBlock s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,8 +142,8 @@ instance Pretty (VarDecl a) where
instance Pretty (CaseClause a) where
prettyPrint c = case c of
CaseClause _ e ss ->
text "case" $+$ ppExpression True e <+> colon $$ nest 2 (prettyPrint ss)
CaseDefault _ ss -> text "default:" $$ nest 2 (prettyPrint ss)
text "case" <+> ppExpression True e <> colon </> nest 2 (prettyPrint ss)
CaseDefault _ ss -> text "default:" </> nest 2 (prettyPrint ss)

instance Pretty InfixOp where
prettyPrint op = text $ case op of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,7 +199,7 @@ instance Pretty PrefixOp where
instance Pretty (Prop a) where
prettyPrint p = case p of
PropId _ id -> prettyPrint id
PropString _ str -> doubleQuotes (text (jsEscape str))
PropString _ str -> dquotes $ text $ jsEscape str
PropNum _ n -> text (show n)

instance Pretty (Id a) where
Expand All @@ -194,20 +220,24 @@ javaScript = prettyPrint
-- | DEPRECATED: Use 'prettyPrint' instead! Renders a list of
-- statements as a 'String'
renderStatements :: [Statement a] -> String
renderStatements = render . prettyPrint
renderStatements = show . prettyPrint

-- | DEPRECATED: Use 'prettyPrint' instead! Renders a list of
-- statements as a 'String'
renderExpression :: Expression a -> String
renderExpression = render . prettyPrint
renderExpression = show . prettyPrint

-- Displays the statement in { ... }, unless it is a block itself.
inBlock:: Statement a -> Doc
inBlock s@(BlockStmt _ _) = prettyPrint s
inBlock s = asBlock [s]

asBlock :: [Statement a] -> Doc
asBlock ss = lbrace $+$ nest 2 (prettyPrint ss) $$ rbrace
asBlock [] = lbrace <$$> rbrace
asBlock ss = lbrace <> line <> (indentBlock $ prettyPrint ss) <$$> rbrace

indentBlock :: Doc -> Doc
indentBlock = indent 3

ppVarDecl :: Bool -> VarDecl a -> Doc
ppVarDecl hasIn vd = case vd of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,25 +286,23 @@ ppPrimaryExpression e = case e of
NullLit _ -> text "null"
BoolLit _ True -> text "true"
BoolLit _ False -> text "false"
NumLit _ n -> text (show n)
IntLit _ n -> text (show n)
StringLit _ str -> doubleQuotes (text (jsEscape str))
NumLit _ n -> double n
IntLit _ n -> int n
StringLit _ str -> dquotes $ text $ jsEscape str
RegexpLit _ reg g ci -> text "/" <> (text (regexpEscape reg)) <> text "/" <>
(if g then text "g" else empty) <>
(if ci then text "i" else empty)
ArrayLit _ es ->
brackets $ cat $ punctuate comma (map (ppAssignmentExpression True) es)
ObjectLit _ xs ->
braces (hsep (punctuate comma (map pp' xs))) where
pp' (n,v) = prettyPrint n <> colon <+> ppAssignmentExpression True v
ArrayLit _ es -> list $ map (ppAssignmentExpression True) es
ObjectLit _ xs -> encloseSep lbrace rbrace comma $ map ppField xs
where ppField (f,v)= prettyPrint f <> colon <+> ppAssignmentExpression True v
_ -> parens $ ppExpression True e

-- 11.2
ppMemberExpression :: Expression a -> Doc
ppMemberExpression e = case e of
FuncExpr _ name params body ->
text "function" <+> maybe name prettyPrint <+>
parens (cat $ punctuate comma (map prettyPrint params)) $$
text "function" <+> maybe name (\n -> prettyPrint n <> space) <>
parens (cat $ punctuate comma (map prettyPrint params)) <+>
asBlock body
DotRef _ obj id -> ppObjInDotRef obj ppMemberExpression <> text "." <> prettyPrint id
BracketRef _ obj key ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,7 +340,7 @@ ppPostfixExpression e = case e of
-- 11.4
ppUnaryExpression :: Expression a -> Doc
ppUnaryExpression e = case e of
PrefixExpr _ op e' -> prettyPrint op <+> ppUnaryExpression e'
PrefixExpr _ op e' -> prettyPrint op <> ppUnaryExpression e'
UnaryAssignExpr _ PrefixInc e' -> text "++" <> prettyPrint e'
UnaryAssignExpr _ PrefixDec e' -> text "--" <> prettyPrint e'
_ -> ppPostfixExpression e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,3 +449,4 @@ ppExpression hasIn e = case e of
maybe :: Maybe a -> (a -> Doc) -> Doc
maybe Nothing _ = empty
maybe (Just a) f = f a

12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion test/Test/Pretty.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,9 +10,12 @@ import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax.Annotations
--import System.Exit
import Language.ECMAScript3.SourceDiff
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.List

tests_pretty :: Test
tests_pretty = testProperty "Parse is the inverse of pretty" prettyParseEquivalence
tests_pretty = testGroup "Pretty-printer tests"
[testProperty "Parse is the inverse of pretty" prettyParseEquivalence
,testProperty "Expressions not safe to print in an Expression Statement" unsafeExprStmtProp]

-- main :: IO ()
-- main =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,3 +44,10 @@ prettyParseEquivalence orig =
msg ="The parse of the pretty-printed AST didn't match the original\n"
++"Diff:\n" ++ jsDiff orig (reannotate (const ()) parsed)
in whenFail (putStrLn msg) eq

unsafeExprStmtProp :: Expression () -> Bool
unsafeExprStmtProp e =
let se = show $ prettyPrint e
actuallyUnsafe = "{" `isPrefixOf` se || "function" `isPrefixOf` se
oracleUnsafe = unsafeInExprStmt e
in actuallyUnsafe == oracleUnsafe

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