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Deep Learning Based Chat Bot

Developing an intelligent chatbot using deep learning with Keras.

Steps to Follow

Establish the Required Packages

  • see requirements.txt file
  • install the dependencies
    • run pip install -r requirements.txt

Define Intents

  • these intents are created to to establish context during a conversation
  • create intents.json file

Data Prep

  • these succeeding steps will be completed in the train.ipynb file -> everything is successfully ran in the train-kg.ipynb file
    • import all the required packages
    • load the json file and extract necessary data
      • the training_sentences variable is what holds the training data -> the sample messages is the intent categories -the training_labels variable holds the target labels that correspond with the training data
    • create the "LabelEncoder()" function to convert the target labels into an understandable model form
    • create tokenizer class to vectorize the data corpus
      • using this class for the pre-processing tasks removes the punctuations and splits the words into lists of tokens
      • the tokens are then indexed or vectorized
      • the oov_token attribute is used to deal with out of vocabulary tokens
    • the padded_sequences method is to make the training text sequences the same size

Model Training

  • used Sequential class from Keras to define the Neural Network architecture for the proposed model
  • used the fit method to train the model
  • saved the required files to use at inference time


  • implementing a chat function to communicate with users
  • How This Works?
    • upon receiving a new message, the chat bot calculates the similarity between the new text sequence and the training data
    • with the confidence scores from each category, the model categorizes the user's message to an intent with the correlating highest confidence score
  • this is all laid out in the file