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Elm development environment

Development environment for writing Elm apps.

Based on the amazing work of javascript-development-environment.


  1. Development Server with hot reloading.
  2. Optimised bundling and minification for the production.


First let's install dependencies

  • If you don't have install node.js.
  • Also you will need yarn package manager.
  • And of course elm environment.

After that

  • Clone this repo in a new project:
git clone my-elm-project
  • Re-initialise as your own repo:
cd my-elm-project
rm -rf .git         # on Windows: rmdir .git /s /q
git init
  • Install all JavaScript dependencies:
yarn install
  • Install all Elm dependencies:
elm-package install


  • Start development server:
yarn run start
  • Then navigate to:


  • To bundle files for deployment:
yarn run build

Folder Structure

Here are folders and files for development environment.

-- build_scripts/           # Contains scripts related with server
   -- build.js                # Build files for production
   -- devServer.js            # Start development server
   -- prodServer.js           # Start production server
-- config/                  # Contains scripts for Webpack configuration
   -- webpack.common.js       # Common configuration for production and development
   --          # Development configuration
   --         # Production configuration
+- docs/                    # Output folder for production
+- elm-stuff/               # Elm dependencies
+- node_modules/            # JavaScript dependencies
-- src/                     # Folder for source files
   -- app/                    # Elm application
   |  -- Main.elm               # Entry point of the application
   -- index.html              # Index file where SPA file be inserted
   -- main.js                 # Entry point for the application
   -- main.scss               # Entry point for the stylesheets
-- .babelrc                 # Babel configuration file
-- .editorconfig            # Configuration for the editors
-- app.config.js            # Mostly contains some paths used by Webpack
-- elm-package.json
-- package.json
-- yarn.lock

Dependencies in package.json

Here are all the dependencies for development and building. I strongly encourage to read official documentation for each of them.

Dependency Use
babel-cli Babel Command line interface
babel-preset-env Babel preset for running all the latest standardized JavaScript features
chalk For Colorful log messages
clean-webpack-plugin Cleans folders before building
css-loader Add CSS support to Webpack
elm-format Formats elm code
elm-webpack-loader Add Elm support to Webpack
express Server for development and production builds
extract-text-webpack-plugin Extracts CSS into separate file for production build
file-loader Adds file loading support to Webpack
html-webpack-plugin Inserts bundled files into index.html
materialize-css CSS framework based on Google Material Design.
node-sass For compiling SASS files
npm-run-all Display results of multiple commands on single command line
opn Open app in default browser
sass-loader Add SASS support for Webpack
style-loader Add Style support to Webpack
uglifyjs-webpack-plugin Plugin for minimising JavaScript files
url-loader Add url loading support to Webpack
webpack Bundler with plugin system and integrated development server
webpack-dev-middleware Add middleware support to webpack
webpack-hot-middleware Add hot reloading to webpack
webpack-merge Merge multiple Webpack configurations in one file

Dependencies in elm-package.json

Here are all the dependencies for Example application.

Dependency Use
elm-lang/core Core features for the Elm language
elm-lang/html Add html support


Basic Elm Blog from Scratch







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