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Terraform now has native OpenStack support. This repository exists only for historical reasons.


This is an experimental OpenStack provider for Terraform. It is based off of the excellent work already done by haklop which can be found here. The main difference is that it works with the latest version of gophercloud and does not need to be compiled along with the entire Terraform code.


This is currently on-hold. Momentum has picked up again to get an official provider into Terraform.


I have almost no knowledge of Go. This work consists of me copying copying other examples and being amazed that any of this actually works. If things look sloppy and outright wrong, they are.

Also, please be aware that this is just a fun side project for me. If you'd like to take over work in a more serious manner, by all means, go for it.


Download the provider:

$ go get

Download and install the dependencies:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ godep restore

Compile it:

$ go build -o terraform-provider-openstack

Copy it to the directory you keep Terraform:

$ sudo cp terraform-provider-openstack /usr/local/bin/terraform


Provider Authentication

You can authenticate with the OpenStack cloud by either explicitly setting parameters or using an openrc-style file.

Explicit Parameters

provider "openstack" {
  identity_endpoint = ""
  username = "jdoe"
  tenant_name = "jdoe"
  password = "password"


First, source your openrc file:

$ source openrc

Next, configure the provider in the *.tf file:

provider "openstack" { }

For more information on OpenStack openrc files, see here.


See the examples directory.


$ terraform plan
$ terraform build
$ terraform destroy

Reference and Notes



  • Either a username or user_id can be used.
  • Either a tenant_name or tenant_id can be used.
  • Domain support is enabled, setting either one of domain_id or domain_name is not enforced yet.
  • nova-network support is enabled. If you use configure any resource to use nova-network, networking_api_version will be ignored.
  • region is actually set on a per-resource basis. This might seem counter-intuitive and overly verbose, but it allows you to deploy multiple resources in multiple regions with the same tf file. If OS_REGION_NAME is set, it will be used as the default value of each resource's region setting, unless explicitly set otherwise.


  • identity_endpoint: Your Keystone API endpoint. Defaults to ENV OS_AUTH_URL
  • user_id: The UUID of your OpenStack account. Defaults to ENV OS_USERID. This isn't a standard OpenStack env variable.
  • username: The username of your OpenStack account. Defaults to ENV OS_USERNAME.
  • password: The password of your OpenStack account. Defaults to ENV OS_PASSWORD.
  • tenant_id: The tenant UUID of your OpenStack account. Defaults to ENV OS_TENANT_ID.
  • tenant_name: The tenant name of your OpenStack account. Defaults to ENV OS_TENANT_NAME.
  • domain_id: The domain UUID of your OpenStack account. Defaults to ENV OS_DOMAIN_ID.
  • domain_name: The domain name of your OpenStack account. Defaults to ENV OS_DOMAIN_NAME
  • compute_api_version: The Compute API (nova) version to use. Defaults to ENV OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION or version 2.
  • block_storage_api_version: The Block Storage API (cinder) version to use. Defaults to ENV OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION or version 1.
  • networking_api_version: The Networking API (neutron) version to use. Defaults to OS_NETWORK_API_VERSION or version 2.
  • object_storage_api_version: The Object Storage API (swift) version to use. Defaults to OS_OBJECT_API_VERSION or 1.



  • Modifications to launched instances hasn't been tested yet.
  • Either an image_id or an image_name is required.
  • Either a flavor_id or a flavor_name is required.


  • name: the name of the instance. Required.
  • image_id: the UUID of the image.
  • image_name: the canonical name of the image.
  • flavor_id: the UUID of the flavor.
  • flavor_name: the canonical name of the flavor.
  • key_name: the ssh keypair name.
  • networks: an array of network UUIDs that the instance will be attached to.
  • security_groups: an array of security group names to apply to the instance.
  • config_drive: boolean to enable config drive.
  • admin_pass: a login password to the instance. NOT TESTED.
  • metadata: a set of key/value pairs to apply to the instance:
  • region: Which region to , for multi-region clouds.
metadata {
  foo = "bar"
  baz =" foo"
  • network: configure a network with specific details. May be specified multiple times for multiple networks:
network {
  UUID = "94e12a2a-d692-4e6f-8e34-560e8a97ead5"
  port_id = "(neutron port-id)" # NOT TESTED
  fixed_ip = "" # NOT TESTED
  • volume: attach a volume using the following:
    • volume_id: The UUID of the volume to attach.
    • device: The device that the volume will be attached. Omit for "auto".



  • Only importing an existing key is supported. Generating a new key and downloading the private key is not supported yet.


  • name: the name of the keypair. Required.
  • public_key: the contents of an or similar public key file. Required.
  • region: Which region to send the key to, for multi-region clouds.



  • Only nova-network-based clouds work at this time.


  • pool: the floating IP pool to pull an address from. Required.
  • network_service: Either nova-network or neutron. Defaults to Neutron.
  • instance_id: the UUID of the instance to associate the floating IP with.
  • region: Which region to pull an IP from, for multi-region clouds.



  • Either a cidr or source_group is required for each rule.


  • name: the name of the security group. Required.
  • description: a description of the security group. Required.
  • rule: One or more rule blocks consisting of the following:
    • from_port: Beginning of a port range. Required.
    • to_port: End of a port range. Required.
    • protocol: A protocol such as tcp, udp, icmp, etc. Required.
    • cidr: A network cidr to grant access. for all IPv4 addresses and ::/0 for all IPv6 addresses.
    • source_group: Use another security group as the allowed access list.
  • region: Which region to create the security group, for multi-region clouds.



  • name: The name of the volume. Required.
  • description: A description of the volume.
  • size: The size of the volume in gigabytes.
  • volume_type: The volume type of the volume. NOT TESTED.
  • availableility_zone: The AZ of the volume. NOT TESTED.
  • snapshot_id: The snapshot ID to base the volume on. NOT TESTED.
  • source_volume_id: The volume ID to base the volume on. NOT TESTED.
  • image_id: The image ID to base the volume on. NOT TESTED.
  • image_name: The name of the image to base the volume on. NOT TESTED.
  • metadata: Metadata for the volume. NOT TESTED.
  • volume: An exported / "read-only" parameter that will report the attached status of the volume. For now, you must run a terraform refresh after an attachment to see this.
  • region: Which region to create the volume in, for multi-region clouds.



OpenStack Provider for Terraform using gophercloud






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