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This package contains the bindings for the File System Access web API implemented for some browsers.


You can view the demo for the main functionalities in this package. The main source code for the demo can be found in the example/main.dart file.

You can also view the main exposed API from this package in the interface file.

Most APIs work for all platforms, desktop and mobile though dart:io and web with JavaScript bindings. One notable exception is getPersistence which is only implemented in web, since it would be easier to save the path of the file or directory along with any other data in native (non-web) platforms.

The FileSystem.instance.isSupported bool is true when the APIs implemented in this package are available in the user's device.


With showOpenFilePicker you can ask the user to select files from the local file system. You can pass the extensions (.png, .pdf) that the files selected by the user should have. This will return the list of FileSystemFileHandles to the user.

The getFile method in FileSystemFileHandle allows you to read the file contents and other information (last updated date, mime type, path on native platforms).


With the queryPermission and requestPermission methods in a FileSystemHandle you can query and request "read" and "readwrite" permission to the user. This is available for directories and files.

In some browsers, the user may need to interact with the application first before you can request permissions. A "Security Error" will be thrown, the demo application shows it when you select something and refresh the page.

Write to files

With the createWritable method in a FileSystemFileHandle (that has "readwrite" permissions), you can edit the contents of the file.


This asks the user to select a file name and location for a new file which will have "readwrite" permissions. In this way, you can modify it and save it in the selected file system location.


The showDirectoryPicker function asks the user to select a directory. The selected directory will have "read" permissions.

You can use the entries method for retrieving all the items inside the directory or the getFileHandle and getDirectoryHandle using the name of each item.

The resolve method retuns a List of Strings with the path to the FileSystemHandle passed as argument or null if it is not a child of the directory.

Create and delete files

With a FileSystemDirectoryHandle, that has "readwrite" permissions, you can create files or directories using the getFileHandle(create: true) and getDirectoryHandle(create: true). You can delete them with removeEntry.

Directory Synchronizer

The DirectorySynchronizer class allows you to sync an in-memory and editable directory abstraction with the persisted one in the user's machine.

Persistence with getPersistence

The FileSystemPersistance returned by getPersistence allows you to save a FileSystemHandle in the browser's IndexedDB. This is useful for maintaining the application state between sessions inside the browser.

This API is only available in web, you could save the path String in native platforms.


For Flutter, you will need to add the assets/file_persistence.js file to your assets in your pubspec.yaml:

    - packages/file_system_access/assets/file_persistence.js

And then import it in you HTML:

<script src="./assets/packages/file_system_access/assets/file_persistence.js"></script>

For Dart web projects, you will need to import "./packages/file_system_access/assets/file_persistence.js" instead (without the first "assets" path).

The demo shows an example usage.

File System Access API documentation

In the following links you can find more about the API spec and documentation




Web Platform Incubator Community Group - W3C:

TypeScript definitions: