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Clarity Angular Examples

Angular application showcasing Clarity Angular components. Powered by Live Docs by VMware

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 11.0.5.

Development server

Run just once: npm ci

Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

To create a new example use the following schematic

ng g @vmw/ng-live-docs:add-example --package-name {packageName} --module-name {moduleName} --component-name {componentName} --example-name {exampleName} --display-name {displayName}

  • packageName is the package containing component that the example is being written for. For example, @vcd/ui-components.
  • moduleName is the module importing component.
  • componentName is a PascalCase or kebab-case string represents the component which this example uses. For example: DatagridComponent.
  • exampleName is a PascalCase or kebab-case string represents the name of this example. For example: example-one.
  • displayName is the title displayed on example container. For example: This is example one.

For further details, see vmware-archive/live-docs#11


Examples for VMware Clarity Angular components






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