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juanpabloaj committed Mar 18, 2012
2 parents 8e4ccb7 + 5a38ce8 commit bc0ef1f
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Showing 2 changed files with 112 additions and 2 deletions.
43 changes: 42 additions & 1 deletion doc/supertab.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ Supertab *supertab*
Inserting true tabs |supertab-mappingtabliteral|
Enhanced longest match support |supertab-longestenhanced|
Preselecting the first entry |supertab-longesthighlight|
Mapping <cr> to end completion |supertab-crmapping|
Auto close the preview window |supertab-closepreviewonpopupclose|
Completion Chaining |supertab-completionchaining|

1. Introduction *supertab-intro*
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,13 +307,51 @@ g:SuperTabCrMapping (default value: 1)

When enabled, <cr> will cancel completion mode preserving the current text.

Compatibility with other plugins:
- endwise: compatible
- delimitMate: not compatible (disabled if the delimitMate <cr> mapping is

Close the preview window on <cr> *supertab-rclosepreviewonpopupclose*

Auto close the preview window *supertab-closepreviewonpopupclose*

g:SuperTabClosePreviewOnPopupClose (default value: 0)

When enabled, supertab will attempt to close vim's completion preview window
when the completion popup closes (completion is finished or canceled).

Completion Chaining *supertab-completionchaining*

Note: Experimental

SuperTab provides the ability to chain one of the completion functions
(|completefunc| or |omnifunc|) together with a one of the default vim
completion key sequences (|ins-completion|), giving you the ability to attempt
completion with the first, and upon no results, fall back to the second.

To utilize this feature you need to call the SuperTabChain function where
the first argument is the name of a vim compatible |complete-function| and the
second is one of vim's insert completion (|ins-completion|) key bindings
(<c-p>, <c-n>, <c-x><c-]>, etc). Calling this function will set the current
buffer's |completefunc| option to a supertab provided implementation which
utilizes the supplied arguments to perform the completion. Since the
|completefunc| option is being set, this feature works best when also
setting |g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType| to either "context" or "<c-x><c-u>".

Here is an example that can be added to your .vimrc which will setup the
supertab chaining for any filetype that has a provided |omnifunc| to first
try that, then fall back to supertab's default, <c-p>, completion:

autocmd FileType *
\ if &omnifunc != '' |
\ call SuperTabChain(&omnifunc, "<c-p>") |
\ call SuperTabSetDefaultCompletionType("<c-x><c-u>") |
\ endif

Note that this feature does not support chaining any other combination of
completions (2 or more completion functions, 2 or more key bindings, etc.). It
can only support 1 completion function followed by 1 key binding. This is due
to limitations imposed by vim's code completion implementation.

71 changes: 70 additions & 1 deletion plugin/supertab.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -675,6 +675,71 @@ function! s:ExpandMap(map) " {{{
return map
endfunction " }}}

function! SuperTabDelayedCommand(command, ...) " {{{
echom 'delay: ' . a:command
let uid = fnamemodify(tempname(), ':t:r')
if &updatetime > 1
exec 'let g:delayed_updatetime_save' . uid . ' = &updatetime'
exec 'let g:delayed_command' . uid . ' = a:command'
let &updatetime = len(a:000) ? a:000[0] : 1
exec 'augroup delayed_command' . uid
exec 'autocmd CursorHoldI * ' .
\ ' if exists("g:delayed_updatetime_save' . uid . '") | ' .
\ ' let &updatetime = g:delayed_updatetime_save' . uid . ' | ' .
\ ' unlet g:delayed_updatetime_save' . uid . ' | ' .
\ ' endif | ' .
\ ' exec g:delayed_command' . uid . ' | ' .
\ ' unlet g:delayed_command' . uid . ' | ' .
\ ' autocmd! delayed_command' . uid
" just in case user leaves insert mode before CursorHoldI fires
exec 'autocmd CursorHold * ' .
\ ' if exists("g:delayed_updatetime_save' . uid . '") | ' .
\ ' let &updatetime = g:delayed_updatetime_save' . uid . ' | ' .
\ ' unlet g:delayed_updatetime_save' . uid . ' | ' .
\ ' endif | ' .
\ ' autocmd! delayed_command' . uid
exec 'augroup END'
endfunction " }}}

function! SuperTabChain(completefunc, completekeys) " {{{
let b:SuperTabChain = [a:completefunc, a:completekeys]
setlocal completefunc=SuperTabCodeComplete
endfunction " }}}

function! SuperTabCodeComplete(findstart, base) " {{{
if !exists('b:SuperTabChain')
echoe 'No completion chain has been set.'
return -2

if len(b:SuperTabChain) != 2
echoe 'Completion chain can only be used with 1 completion function ' .
\ 'and 1 fallback completion key binding.'
return -2

let Func = function(b:SuperTabChain[0])
let keys = escape(b:SuperTabChain[1], '<')

if a:findstart
let start = Func(a:findstart, a:base)
if start >= 0
return start

return col('.') - 1

let results = Func(a:findstart, a:base)
if len(results)
return results

call SuperTabDelayedCommand('call feedkeys("' . keys . '", "nt")')
return []
endfunction " }}}

" Autocmds {{{
if g:SuperTabClosePreviewOnPopupClose
augroup supertab_close_preview
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -721,7 +786,11 @@ endfunction " }}}

if g:SuperTabCrMapping
if maparg('<CR>','i') =~ '<CR>'
if maparg('<CR>','i') =~ '<Plug>delimitMateCR'
" Not compatible w/ delimitMate since it doesn't play well with others
" and will always return a <cr> which we don't when selecting a
" completion.
elseif maparg('<CR>','i') =~ '<CR>'
let map = maparg('<cr>', 'i')
let cr = (map =~? '\(^\|[^)]\)<cr>')
let map = s:ExpandMap(map)
Expand Down

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