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Your road to making web projects

jue edited this page Dec 10, 2015 · 11 revisions

If you want to build or manage a web project, these are useful things to know and get good at.

Internet 101

So you want to make a website

We are aiming to make things from scratch. If you wonder why, read this.

So you want to be fast

Read this for historical context: In the Beginning There Was Command Line by Neal Stephenson

Get a free txt file or pay $10 for it. Your choice.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

Since the interface is minimal and abstract at first sight, you can play a game to start learning about it. It's all in the web browser.

  • Terminus, where you will find the best-drawn pony

But at some point, you gotta dive in. There is another game, you will install it and play it in the CLI on your own laptop.

And then there's the good ol' practice.

Git & GitHub

So you made a website -- release it into the wild

You will learn about hosting a free site on GitHub, using gh-pages, and domain name stuff.