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:octocat: Covid19 App - Microsoft Bing Covid19 Visualizer 🌍


made with react made with scss made with mapbox made with geojson made with express last-commit code-size

Peek a boo!😍


  • 0. What we are making -

  • 1. Fetch the json data using from

    • get countrywise,statewise,citywise data
    • and corresponding geojson data using geojson library
  • 2. Setup map and display it on the screen. (Use Mapbox GL JS in a React app )

    • Get a reference to map container
    • create map using new new mapboxgl.Map()
    • add styles(mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11)
    • add default lat,long,zoom - used indias(lat: "22.4034", lng: "80.6", zoom: "3.2")
    • Add map Controllers for zoomin zoom out and geolocation as well -[x] map move listeners
  • 3. Jump in Map Render cities on left panel and add onclick listener to jump to that country in map.

  • 4. Add layers on map load, popup on map load, toggle layers.


What you need

  • A text editor. Use the text editor of your choice for writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • A Mapbox access token. Your Mapbox access tokens are on your Account page.
  • Node.js and npm. To run the commands necessary to run your React app locally, install Node.js and npm.
  • Working familiarity with React.
  • Mapbox GL JS. Mapbox GL JS is a JavaScript library used for building web maps.

Wanna Contribute

git clone ${url}
cd server && npm start - to run server
yarn start - to run frontend
make changes
send PRs
Get them merge into the codebase✌✌✌

server and frontend on