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TechStack Update

Closed May 8, 2018 100% complete

Development of OWASP Juice Shop started in 2014 and was based on - back then - quite recent Javascript frameworks and modules. Several of these frameworks or modules have moved on to new (runtime incompatible) major releases, namely Angular 2, Sequelize, Frisby and Jasmine. Other modules are out of maintenance entirely, e.g. sequelize-restful. Migrating t…

Development of OWASP Juice Shop started in 2014 and was based on - back then - quite recent Javascript frameworks and modules. Several of these frameworks or modules have moved on to new (runtime incompatible) major releases, namely Angular 2, Sequelize, Frisby and Jasmine. Other modules are out of maintenance entirely, e.g. sequelize-restful. Migrating the OWASP Juice Shop to the latest versions of the mentioned frameworks & modules is an important step to keep the application relevant as the most modern intentionally broken web application. Moving to entirely different frameworks might be taken into considerationas well.

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