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Fixed lp:1576674: Refactored network config in userdata for containers #5512

merged 12 commits into from Jun 7, 2016
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions apiserver/uniter/uniter.go
Expand Up @@ -1585,7 +1585,7 @@ func (u *UniterAPIV3) getOneNetworkConfig(canAccess common.AuthFunc, unitTagArg,

privateAddress, err := machine.PrivateAddress()
if err != nil && !network.IsNoAddressError(err) {
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "getting machine %q preferred private address", machineID)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1613,13 +1613,13 @@ func (u *UniterAPIV3) getOneNetworkConfig(canAccess common.AuthFunc, unitTagArg,

for _, addr := range addresses {
subnet, err := addr.Subnet()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot get subnet for address %q", addr)
if subnet == nil {
logger.Debugf("skipping %s: not linked to a known subnet", addr)
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
logger.Debugf("skipping %s: not linked to a known subnet (%v)", addr, err)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot get subnet for address %q", addr)

if space := subnet.SpaceName(); space != boundSpace {
logger.Debugf("skipping %s: want bound to space %q, got space %q", addr, boundSpace, space)
Expand Down
173 changes: 103 additions & 70 deletions cloudconfig/containerinit/container_userdata.go
Expand Up @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ import (


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,90 +58,123 @@ func WriteCloudInitFile(directory string, userData []byte) (string, error) {
return userDataFilename, nil

// networkConfigTemplate defines how to render /etc/network/interfaces
// file for a container with one or more NICs.
const networkConfigTemplate = `
# loopback interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback{{define "static"}}
{{.InterfaceName | printf "# interface %q"}}{{if not .NoAutoStart}}
auto {{.InterfaceName}}{{end}}
iface {{.InterfaceName}} inet manual{{if gt (len .DNSServers) 0}}
dns-nameservers{{range $dns := .DNSServers}} {{$dns.Value}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if gt (len .DNSSearch) 0}}
dns-search {{.DNSSearch}}{{end}}
pre-up ip address add {{.Address.Value}}/32 dev {{.InterfaceName}} &> /dev/null || true
up ip route replace {{.GatewayAddress.Value}} dev {{.InterfaceName}}
up ip route replace default via {{.GatewayAddress.Value}}
down ip route del default via {{.GatewayAddress.Value}} &> /dev/null || true
down ip route del {{.GatewayAddress.Value}} dev {{.InterfaceName}} &> /dev/null || true
post-down ip address del {{.Address.Value}}/32 dev {{.InterfaceName}} &> /dev/null || true
{{end}}{{define "dhcp"}}
{{.InterfaceName | printf "# interface %q"}}{{if not .NoAutoStart}}
auto {{.InterfaceName}}{{end}}
iface {{.InterfaceName}} inet dhcp
{{end}}{{range $nic := . }}{{if eq $nic.ConfigType "static"}}
{{template "static" $nic}}{{else}}{{template "dhcp" $nic}}{{end}}{{end}}`

// multiBridgeNetworkConfigTemplate defines how to render /etc/network/interfaces
// file for a multi-NIC container.
const multiBridgeNetworkConfigTemplate = `
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
{{range $nic := .}}{{template "single" $nic}}{{end}}
{{define "single"}}{{if not .NoAutoStart}}
auto {{.InterfaceName}}{{end}}
iface {{.InterfaceName}} inet manual{{if .DNSServers}}
dns-nameservers{{range $srv := .DNSServers}} {{$srv.Value}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .DNSSearchDomains}}
dns-search{{range $dom := .DNSSearchDomains}} {{$dom}}{{end}}{{end}}
pre-up ip address add {{.CIDRAddress}} dev {{.InterfaceName}} || true
up ip route replace {{.CIDR}} dev {{.InterfaceName}} || true
down ip route del {{.CIDR}} dev {{.InterfaceName}} || true
post-down address del {{.CIDRAddress}} dev {{.InterfaceName}} || true{{if .GatewayAddress.Value}}
up ip route replace default via {{.GatewayAddress.Value}} || true
down ip route del default via {{.GatewayAddress.Value}} || true{{end}}

var networkInterfacesFile = "/etc/network/interfaces.d/00-juju.cfg"

// GenerateNetworkConfig renders a network config for one or more
// network interfaces, using the given non-nil networkConfig
// containing a non-empty Interfaces field.
var networkInterfacesFile = "/etc/network/interfaces"

// GenerateNetworkConfig renders a network config for one or more network
// interfaces, using the given non-nil networkConfig containing a non-empty
// Interfaces field.
func GenerateNetworkConfig(networkConfig *container.NetworkConfig) (string, error) {
if networkConfig == nil || len(networkConfig.Interfaces) == 0 {
// Don't generate networking config.
logger.Tracef("no network config to generate")
return "", nil
logger.Debugf("generating network config from %#v", *networkConfig)

// Copy the InterfaceInfo before modifying the original.
interfacesCopy := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, len(networkConfig.Interfaces))
copy(interfacesCopy, networkConfig.Interfaces)
for i, info := range interfacesCopy {
if info.MACAddress != "" {
info.MACAddress = ""
prepared := PrepareNetworkConfigFromInterfaces(networkConfig.Interfaces)

var output bytes.Buffer
gatewayWritten := false
for _, name := range prepared.InterfaceNames {
if name == "lo" {
output.WriteString("auto ")
autoStarted := strings.Join(prepared.AutoStarted, " ")
output.WriteString(autoStarted + "\n\n")
output.WriteString("iface lo inet loopback\n")

dnsServers := strings.Join(prepared.DNSServers, " ")
if dnsServers != "" {
output.WriteString(" dns-nameservers ")
output.WriteString(dnsServers + "\n")

dnsSearchDomains := strings.Join(prepared.DNSSearchDomains, " ")
if dnsSearchDomains != "" {
output.WriteString(" dns-search ")
output.WriteString(dnsSearchDomains + "\n")
if info.InterfaceName != "eth0" {
info.GatewayAddress = network.Address{}

address, hasAddress := prepared.NameToAddress[name]
if !hasAddress {
output.WriteString("iface " + name + " inet manual\n")
interfacesCopy[i] = info

// Render the config first.
tmpl, err := template.New("config").Parse(multiBridgeNetworkConfigTemplate)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "cannot parse network config template")
output.WriteString("iface " + name + " inet static\n")
output.WriteString(" address " + address + "\n")
if !gatewayWritten && prepared.GatewayAddress != "" {
output.WriteString(" gateway " + prepared.GatewayAddress + "\n")
gatewayWritten = true // write it only once

var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := tmpl.Execute(&buf, interfacesCopy); err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotate(err, "cannot render network config")
generatedConfig := output.String()
logger.Debugf("generated network config:\n%s", generatedConfig)

return generatedConfig, nil

// PreparedConfig holds all the necessary information to render a persistent
// network config to a file.
type PreparedConfig struct {
InterfaceNames []string
AutoStarted []string
DNSServers []string
DNSSearchDomains []string
NameToAddress map[string]string
GatewayAddress string

// PrepareNetworkConfigFromInterfaces collects the necessary information to
// render a persistent network config from the given slice of
// network.InterfaceInfo. The result always includes the loopback interface.
func PrepareNetworkConfigFromInterfaces(interfaces []network.InterfaceInfo) *PreparedConfig {
dnsServers := set.NewStrings()
dnsSearchDomains := set.NewStrings()
gatewayAddress := ""
namesInOrder := make([]string, 1, len(interfaces)+1)
nameToAddress := make(map[string]string)

// Always include the loopback.
namesInOrder[0] = "lo"
autoStarted := set.NewStrings("lo")

for _, info := range interfaces {
if !info.NoAutoStart {

if cidr := info.CIDRAddress(); cidr != "" {
nameToAddress[info.InterfaceName] = cidr

for _, dns := range info.DNSServers {

dnsSearchDomains = dnsSearchDomains.Union(set.NewStrings(info.DNSSearchDomains...))

if info.InterfaceName == "eth0" && gatewayAddress == "" {
// Only set gateway once for the primary NIC.
gatewayAddress = info.GatewayAddress.Value

namesInOrder = append(namesInOrder, info.InterfaceName)

generatedConfig := buf.String()
logger.Debugf("generated network config from %#v\nusing%#v:\n%s", interfacesCopy, networkConfig.Interfaces, generatedConfig)
prepared := &PreparedConfig{
InterfaceNames: namesInOrder,
NameToAddress: nameToAddress,
AutoStarted: autoStarted.SortedValues(),
DNSServers: dnsServers.SortedValues(),
DNSSearchDomains: dnsSearchDomains.SortedValues(),
GatewayAddress: gatewayAddress,

return generatedConfig, nil
logger.Debugf("prepared network config for rendering: %+v", prepared)
return prepared

// newCloudInitConfigWithNetworks creates a cloud-init config which
Expand Down
62 changes: 31 additions & 31 deletions cloudconfig/containerinit/container_userdata_test.go
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
package containerinit_test

import (
stdtesting "testing"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,35 +68,20 @@ func (s *UserDataSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
NoAutoStart: true,
s.expectedNetConfig = `
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0 eth1 lo

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet manual
dns-nameservers ns1.invalid ns2.invalid
dns-search foo bar
pre-up ip address add dev eth0 || true
up ip route replace dev eth0 || true
down ip route del dev eth0 || true
post-down address del dev eth0 || true
up ip route replace default via || true
down ip route del default via || true

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet manual
iface lo inet loopback
dns-nameservers ns1.invalid ns2.invalid
dns-search foo bar
pre-up ip address add dev eth1 || true
up ip route replace dev eth1 || true
down ip route del dev eth1 || true
post-down address del dev eth1 || true
dns-search bar foo

iface eth2 inet manual
pre-up ip address add dev eth2 || true
up ip route replace dev eth2 || true
down ip route del dev eth2 || true
post-down address del dev eth2 || true
iface eth0 inet static

iface eth1 inet static

iface eth2 inet manual
s.PatchValue(containerinit.NetworkInterfacesFile, s.networkInterfacesFile)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,18 +111,32 @@ func (s *UserDataSuite) TestNewCloudInitConfigWithNetworks(c *gc.C) {
// dropping the last new line and using unindented blank lines.
lines := strings.Split(s.expectedNetConfig, "\n")
indentedNetConfig := strings.Join(lines[:len(lines)-2], "\n ")
indentedNetConfig = strings.Replace(indentedNetConfig, "\n \n", "\n\n", -1) + "\n"
indentedNetConfig = strings.Replace(indentedNetConfig, "\n \n", "\n\n", -1)
expected := `
- install -D -m 644 /dev/null '`[1:] + s.networkInterfacesFile + `'
- install -D -m 644 /dev/null '%[1]s'
- |-
printf '%s\n' '` + indentedNetConfig + `
' > '` + s.networkInterfacesFile + `'
printf '%%s\n' '
auto eth0 eth1 lo

iface lo inet loopback
dns-nameservers ns1.invalid ns2.invalid
dns-search bar foo

iface eth0 inet static

iface eth1 inet static

iface eth2 inet manual
' > '%[1]s'
- ifup -a || true
assertUserData(c, cloudConf, expected)
assertUserData(c, cloudConf, fmt.Sprintf(expected, s.networkInterfacesFile))

func (s *UserDataSuite) TestNewCloudInitConfigWithNetworksNoConfig(c *gc.C) {
Expand Down
28 changes: 11 additions & 17 deletions provider/maas/
Expand Up @@ -164,51 +164,45 @@ def bridge(self, prefix, bridge_name, add_auto_stanza):
return self._bridge_device(bridge_name)

def _bridge_device(self, bridge_name):
s1 = IfaceStanza(,, "manual", [])
s2 = AutoStanza(bridge_name)
stanzas = []
options = list(self.options)
options.append("bridge_ports {}".format(
s3 = IfaceStanza(bridge_name,, self.method, options)
return [s1, s2, s3]
stanzas.append(IfaceStanza(bridge_name,, self.method, options))
return stanzas

def _bridge_vlan(self, bridge_name, add_auto_stanza):
stanzas = []
s1 = IfaceStanza(,, "manual", self.options)
if add_auto_stanza:
options = [x for x in self.options if not x.startswith("vlan")]
options = [x for x in self.options if not x.startswith("vlan_id")]
options.append("bridge_ports {}".format(
s3 = IfaceStanza(bridge_name,, self.method, options)
stanzas.append(IfaceStanza(bridge_name,, self.method, options))
return stanzas

def _bridge_alias(self, add_auto_stanza):
stanzas = []
if add_auto_stanza:
s1 = IfaceStanza(,, self.method, list(self.options))
stanzas.append(IfaceStanza(,, self.method, list(self.options)))
return stanzas

def _bridge_bond(self, bridge_name, add_auto_stanza):
stanzas = []
if add_auto_stanza:
s1 = IfaceStanza(,, "manual", list(self.options))
s2 = AutoStanza(bridge_name)
stanzas.append(IfaceStanza(,, "manual", list(self.options)))
options = [x for x in self.options if not x.startswith("bond")]
options.append("bridge_ports {}".format(
s3 = IfaceStanza(bridge_name,, self.method, options)
stanzas.extend([s1, s2, s3])
stanzas.append(IfaceStanza(bridge_name,, self.method, options))
return stanzas

def _bridge_unchanged(self, add_auto_stanza):
stanzas = []
if add_auto_stanza:
s1 = IfaceStanza(,, self.method, list(self.options))
stanzas.append(IfaceStanza(,, self.method, list(self.options)))
return stanzas

Expand Down