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jukeri12 edited this page Sep 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

Launcher concept

Musket Doom needs some sort of a launcher program for at least client use and maybe server use too, since Doom (and PrBoom) fundamentally run in network mode only over a commandline argument (-net

to join, for host various options are available when running prboom-game-server binary). So a user-friendly launcher program is needed if the game is to have any chance at success except at lan parties.

Questions to consider

  1. Does the launcher program support running the server too, or only the client?
  2. How many users does PrBoom support? (Techically 32, but as of this point, even 16 or 8 users have not officially been tested. They do work but how efficient is the net code?)
  3. Is there a way to make the server work perpetually, accepting new clients while it is running and not quitting when all players have quit (the server considers the game "finished" atleast in default state when players drop below 1) ?
  4. What features does the finished game have?
  5. What control options should the launcher support? As in command-line parameters.
  6. Should server configurations be saveable/loadable when running the launcher program?


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