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jukeri12 edited this page Aug 30, 2015 · 4 revisions

NOTE: Update as necessary. At some point, it might not be "simple" anymore.

This is meant to be a sweet and simple roadmap for the development of Musket Doom. The order of the roadmap milestones may change as things are worked upon.

The format is this: A release is listed, after which hopefully everything that is required before next release is listed. The next release milestone does this too, until we end up in point of Version 1.0.

V 0.3 - Prealpha (WE ARE HERE)

1. Fix, balance and beautify the current 3 to 4 maps (Try to follow the generic mapping guide)

-Make new textures for the maps (50% complete)

-Edit the maps with aforementioned new textures (25% complete)

-Create props, ammo drops, etc,

-Balance the maps (symmetry etc.) (25% complete)

-Compile the maps into Musket Doom's .WAD

2. Fix known bugs in this release

-See Issues tracker. This release for example has a bugged health counter and weirdly working music

3. Fix nonworking/ugly sprites, and add new ones to replace FreeDoom's own props, characters, etc.

-The player mobj sprite is hideous, was imported wrongly and was also bugged in rendering

-Replace old props. Explosion barrel could be changed to a gunpowder barrel for example?

-Add new props. I.e. a table with a lamp on it, pillars, more sprite trees?

-Add sprites for pickable items.

4. Implement features that we didnt get around to doing prior to v 0.3

-Echoing gunshot sound

-Gun smoke (50% done)

-New sector tags for

    ->water (deep and shallow) (slows movement, lowers viewheight, changes sound of steps)

    ->grass (different footstep sound)

    ->long fall (a simulated area of fatal fall damage, kills instantly upon touching)

**5. Polish and balance existing features

-All of those mentioned in pt. 4

-A random/distance factor to damage

5. Consider implementing features that were only speculated prior to this release?

-Handheld bombs

-Bleeding effect, triggered by a sword slash for example

-Health system rudimentary revamp? (Injuries, like crippling hits, or lower health = lower movespeed?)

-Mounted cannons?

-What else?

6. Test, optimise, and polish

7. Package a functional release for Windows and Linux

V 0.5 - Unidentified release

  1. Fix, balance and beautify the 3-4 maps

  2. Fix known bugs

3. Fix the sounds, they are heavily distorted upon conversion

  1. Add features

  2. Release

V 0.75 - Unidentified release

  1. Fix, balance and beautify the 3-4 maps

  2. Fix known bugs

  3. Add features

  4. Release

V 1.0 - Something that could be considered to be finished?