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This role enables to install shell aliases globally on a system.


No requirements.

Role Variables

Name Type Location Description
shell_aliases_shell_files string[] defaults/main.yml The location of shell files in which to write aliases. Defaults to /etc/profile.d/ and /etc/profile.d/custom-aliases.csh.
shell_aliases aliases[] defaults/main.yml The aliases to create on the target system. See below for defaults.
shell_aliases_extras aliases[] defaults/main.yml An extra aliases object to keep the defaults and add your custom aliases. Defaults to [].

The shell_aliases and shell_aliases_extras are list of aliases objects, which are a dictionary composed of a name attribute for the alias name and the command attribute for the command to execute.

By default, the following aliases are defined in shell_aliases:

- name: c
  command: "clear"
- name: untar
  command: "tar -xvf"
- name: untarz
  command: "tar -zxvf"
- name: ping
  command: "ping -c 5"
- name: ll
  command: "ls -al"
- name: hrep
  command: "history | grep"


No dependencies.

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: julb.shell_aliases }



Author Information

More to find on my Github.


This project is totally open source and contributors are welcome.

When you submit a PR, please ensure that the syntax has been checked.