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graphics.ipynb example includes missing function rplot_set #69

AndyGreenwell opened this issue Sep 10, 2015 · 2 comments

graphics.ipynb example includes missing function rplot_set #69

AndyGreenwell opened this issue Sep 10, 2015 · 2 comments


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In attempting to execute graphics.ipynb on my Windows test environment (64-bit Windows, 32-bit Julia v0.4.0-rc1, 32-bit R 3.2.2), the current In[4]: example makes a call to rplot_set(MIME("image/svg+xml"), which generated the following error message on my machine:

LoadError: UndefVarError: rplot_set not defined
while loading In[4], in expression starting on line 1

Is the notebook example stale and in need of update, or should this function actually be present in the RCall namespace and went missing at some point?

The RCall namespace currently includes the following:

julia> RCall.
@rget               __init__             rBraceSymbol
@rimport            allocArray           rBracket2Symbol
@rput               allocList            rBracketSymbol
@rusing             anyNA                rClassSymbol
AnySxp              askYesNoCancel       rDeviceSymbol
AnySxpPtr           attributes           rDimNamesSymbol
BcodeSxp            bound                rDimSymbol
BcodeSxpPtr         callJuliaExtPtr      rDollarSymbol
BuiltinSxp          car                  rDotsSymbol
BuiltinSxpPtr       cdr                  rDoubleColonSymbol
CharSxp             dataptr              rDropSymbol
CharSxpPtr          decrefExtPtr         rEmptyEnv
ClosSxp             errorBuffer          rGlobalEnv
ClosSxpPtr          eval                 rJuliaCallback
CplxSxp             eventCallBack        rLastvalueSymbol
CplxSxpPtr          getAttrib            rLevelsSymbol
DotSxp              getClass             rMissingArg
DotSxpPtr           getNames             rModeSymbol
EnvSxp              globalEnv            rNaInt
EnvSxpPtr           ijulia_cleanup       rNaReal
ExprSxp             ijulia_displayfile   rNaRmSymbol
ExprSxpPtr          ijulia_displayplots  rNaString
ExtPtrSxp           ijulia_file_dir      rNameSymbol
ExtPtrSxpPtr        ijulia_init          rNamesSymbol
FunctionSxp         ijulia_mime          rNamespaceEnvSymbol
FunctionSxpPtr      ijulia_setdevice     rNilValue
IntSxp              isArray              rPackageSymbol
IntSxpPtr           isComplex            rPreviousSymbol
LangSxp             isEnvironment        rQuoteSymbol
LangSxpPtr          isExpression         rRowNamesSymbol
LglSxp              isFactor             rSeedsSymbol
LglSxpPtr           isFrame              rSortListSymbol
ListSxp             isFree               rSourceSymbol
ListSxpPtr          isFunction           rSpecSymbol
NAel                isInteger            rTripleColonSymbol
NilSxp              isLanguage           rUnboundValue
NilSxpPtr           isList               rcall
PairListSxp         isLogical            rcall_p
PairListSxpPtr      isMatrix             rcopy
PromSxp             isNA                 rdevicename
PromSxpPtr          isNewList            rdot_Method
RObject             isNull               rdot_defined
RStart              isNumber             rdot_packageName
RawSxp              isNumeric            rdot_target
RawSxpPtr           isObject             registerFinalizer
RealSxp             isOrdered            release
RealSxpPtr          isPairListSxp        reserved
Rinstance           isPrimitiveSxp       reval
Rproc               isReal               reval_p
S4Sxp               isS4                 rgui_start
S4SxpPtr            isString             rgui_stop
SpecialSxp          isSymbol             rlang
SpecialSxpPtr       isTs                 rlang_formula
StrSxp              isUnordered          rlang_p
StrSxpPtr           isUnsorted           rparse
Sxp                 isUserBinop          rparse_p
SxpHead             isValidString        rprint
SxpPtr              isValidStringF       rwrap
SxpPtrInfo          isVector             setAttrib!
SymSxp              isVectorAtomicSxp    setClass!
SymSxpPtr           isVectorListSxp      setNames!
UnknownSxpPtr       isVectorizable       setcar!
VecSxp              jtypExtPtrs          setcdr!
VecSxpPtr           libR                 settag!
VectorAtomicSxp     makeExternalPtr      sexp
VectorAtomicSxpPtr  makeNativeSymbol     sexp_arglist_dots
VectorListSxp       pJuliaCallback       sexpnum
VectorListSxpPtr    pJuliaDecref         tag
VectorNumericSxp    preserve             timeout
VectorNumericSxpPtr printBuffer          typs
VectorSxp           process_events       unprotect
VectorSxpPtr        protect              unsafe_array
WeakRefSxp          rBaseSymbol          unsafe_vec
WeakRefSxpPtr       rBlankScalarString   voffset
__META__            rBlankString         writeConsoleEx
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As a follow-on note, executing the current In[5] (rprint("library(ggplot2)")) immediately after the above error message is received is resulting in a dead kernel.

The first three operations of the notebook:

In[1]: using RCall
In[2]: reval("pdf('C:/Users/Andy/Documents/JuliaFiles/aa.pdf')"); # opens new device
       reval("plot(1:10)"); # create plot
       reval(""); # close device (writes to file)
Out[2]: true
In[3]: rprint("plot(1:10)")

are executing successfully with a plot displayed on screen.

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I had renamed the function, now updated the docs (see c3cb0fd)

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