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Code for our ICADL 2018 Paper on Book Recommendation with Document Embeddings

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If you use our work, please cite our paper Book Recommendation Beyond the Usual Suspects: Embedding Book Plots Together with Place and Time Information as follows:

author = {Risch, Julian and Garda, Samuele and Krestel, Ralf},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference On Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL)},
pages = {227-239},
title = {Book Recommendation Beyond the Usual Suspects: Embedding Book Plots Together with Place and Time Information},
year = {2018}


Python scripts to train doc2vec models. For each step of the pipeline please refer to the correspondent sections in the configuration files in configs. To train models you can call:

$ python -c ./configs/example.config



This section of the configuration file determines the specification in the input step of the pipeline (related to the script First of all you need to specify whether the documents you want to train your model on are stored in JSON files or in an Elasticsearch instance. Now only these two options are allowed : es,json

load = es

If you are loading json files you need to provide a path to a folder storing them. You can have as many subfolders as you want since the loading is recursive.

json_path = /home/users/me/json_data

If you are loading data from ES then you need to specify where the ES instance is hosted and the name of the indices. Moreover since it is possible to load data from multiple indices you need a query: be carefull this will be applied to each of the indices so make sure to make it as general as possible in order to avoid fields mismatching for instance. Finally you need the document fields that will point to the absolutely necessery attributes of gensim data structure : words and tags. Again be carfel: be sure to place them in the corresponding order of the ES indices in order to avoid mismatching fields names

es_indicis = index_1,index_2,index_3
es_query = {"query" : {"match_all" : {}}, "sort" : ["_doc"]} # to be completely sure, let's grab everything
doc_ids = tag_of_doc_in_index_1,tag_of_doc_in_index_2,tag_of_doc_in_index_3
doc_texts = words_of_doc_in_index_1,words_of_doc_in_index_2,words_of_doc_in_index_3

Now that the data is loaded we can take care of the models. If you already have trained some model and want to further improve them go for:

load_all_models = ./models
load_single_model = ./models/Doc2Vec(dm-m,d100,n20,w5)

The first one will make the script load all the models in that folder, the second one only the specified one (pretty clear huh?). If instead you have to start from scratch please set constuct_new_models = True. Please refer to the section PARAMETERS for further instructions.


Here is were you can specify which type of preprocessing you want to apply to your data. So far you can only choose if you wish to remove stopwords (kindly provided by gensim) and or stem the text. If none of the before is set to true the documents will be simply tokenized and any trace of HTML tags remove. Look here for more information:



If in the LOADING phase you set constuct_new_models = True you'll end up here. In this section all the parameters for your brand new models will be defined. Since this could easily take some pages to describe what all the options are doing please referer directly to gensim documentation ( ) and to have a full understanding of the model read the original papers from Mikolov et. al Nonetheless what you need to know is that for each parameter you can specify as many values as you wich - COMMA SEPARATED - that will be used then to instatiate models with all the possible configuration you specified.


Finally on the training part. Here there's an important decision to make. If you set

adapt_alpha = False

the models will be trained with the standard gensim function. This mean that the learning rate will be adapted during training as specified by gensim.doc2vec developers. If instead it is set to True the learning rate decay will follow this rule alpha_delta = (alpha - min_alpha) / epochs as specified in this jupyter notebook where gensim developers tried to reproduce Mikolov et. al results. Please take a look at train_models.ModelsTrainer.train_manual_lr if you wish to set a different approach for the learning rate decay. If adapt_alpha = True parameters:


will be used as starting value and minimal value to be reached at the end of the training process for the learning rate. Otherwise will be ignored. Moreover you can specify:


i.e. the number of epochs, the folder where the model will be stored and whether to shuffle the documents for training. Please note that depending on the value of adapt_alpha the training behaviour might slightly change. I.e. if the gensim standard train function is used all the training process is done in one function call, thus the documents will be shuffled only once before training and the models will not be accessible before the training procedure is terminated (and no logging during this phase), otherwise the documents will be shuffled at each epoch with some logging for the learning rate value, etc. If your are using the trained embeddings in a classification task (e.g. the newspaper one) you might want to downsample your dataset due to the high present of a category. This can be achieved by


All the documents of categories that have more samples than the least frequent will be pruned.

Finally at the very end of the training process it is possible to have a quick look at the quality of your embeddings thaks to:

quality_check_infered = 5
quality_check_trained = 5

For the first option a random document will be selected from the corpus and a new vector will be inferred. Then the first n most similar documents will be print out. This is to check whether your model can infer proper vector assuming it never saw such a document. For this test, if the training process was successfull, the most similar document should be the same randomly picked. The second one instead will make the script print out the n most similar training vectors for a random document. In this way you can check by yourself if the documents are related or note


Coming soon...


If you wish to disable any of the options above mentioned you just need to comment it out or leave it empty.


Script embeddings_projector allows you to visualize the embeddings produced after the training process.

-d, --dir 
-o, --out-dir 
-n, --n-docs 
-f, --fields

You need to specify a folder where all your trained model are stored. After the models are loaded in the folder passed to -o will be created as many folders as models. For each folder (corresponding to a model) you can find a .vecs file containing the embeddings and a .metadata file containing the tags associated with the vectors. These files then can be laoded to . Moreover you need to specify the names of the tags via fileds argument. E.g. if the documents were loaded from the ES newspapers they will be 'index', 'url'. Finally you can specify to create files for just a specific number of documents. Since most of the time documents are stored in a sorted order if you set -n documents will be randomly picked for nicer visualizations.


Since all tasks are python scripts simply running the main utilities, they will be called as python modules. Thus you can use them this way:

$ python -m tasks.<script name> 


We created a dataset of movie summaries based on Wikipedia pages and uploaded it here: It contains 6456 movies from the years 2000 to 2016. Each movie is described with about 1300 words. The second dataset used in our paper (book summaries) can be found here:


Tomas Mikolov, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Greg Corrado, and Jeffrey Dean. Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality. In Proceedings of NIPS, 2013.

Quoc Le and Tomas Mikolov. Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents.


Code for our ICADL 2018 Paper on Book Recommendation with Document Embeddings






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