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Chef Web Core

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A shared set of CSS (Sass), JavaScript and Ruby resources for Chef web properties, all bundled into a living style guide published at



If you're running in a Ruby environment with Bundler and Sprockets (e.g., Middleman, Rails), add the following line to your Gemfile to install from the master branch:

gem 'chef-web-core', git: ''

To install a particular version, specify it by tag:

gem 'chef-web-core, git: '', tag: '0.1.8'

Then bundle to install. Once you've done that, you'll be able to include and use the Sass and JavaScript components detailed in the style guide in your app. For example, to include all of our CSS components, add the following line to your main .scss file:

@import 'chef';

Several components require JavaScript as well, so you'll want to include those modules also (e.g., in your main .js):

//= require chef

Alternatively, you can include only those components you want:

@import 'chef/components/top-bar';
@import 'chef/components/side-nav';

...along with their individual JavaScript counterparts:

//= require chef/components/top-bar
//= require chef/components/side-nav

Once you've imported some assets, you should be able to start putting markup into your pages and have their styles and behaviors appear automatically. If you're using any JavaScript components, be sure to initialize them at the end of your document — usually just before your closing body tag:


There's a Rails application located at spec/dummy/rails (which we use for testing) that provides a working example you might like to refer to. You can run that locally by:

cd spec/dummy/rails
bin/rails s

This repo is also a Middleman app, so it can be used as a reference as well:

bin/rake server


We deploy our builds to Github Releases, so you can install our Node.js package directly from there. Just specify the version you'd like to install in your package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "chef-web-core": ""

... and then npm install. That'll get you a module with a dist directory containing all of the fonts, images, Sass and compiled JavaScript & CSS comprising the guide for use in your app.


If neither of these options works for you, you can always just load the assets over the network, via Cloudfront:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
    <script src="//">


This repository serves two purposes: it's both a collection of CSS and JavaScript components and an automatically generated style guide for using them. The guide is built using Middleman, a static Web site generator, and Hologram, a documentation parser that turns formatted CSS comments into the HTML pages you see at

To see how things things work, take a look at the .scss and .js files in lib/assets, then try running the Middleman app yourself. Assuming you have Ruby 2+, Git and the appropriate Github permissions, you should be able to:

git clone
cd chef-web-core
bin/rake server

This starts a Middleman server at http://localhost:4567; open that address in your browser and look around. Review the Middleman and Hologram docs to see how they work. When you have something you'd like to contribute, issue a pull request to have your contribution reviewed, incorporated and published!

If you'd like to contribute something other than code — feedback, a bug report or a suggestion or a new feature — use Github issues.


We use Rake to tag our releases, which we deploy automatically with Travis to S3 and Github. When you're ready to tag a release, first determine whether it constitutes a major, minor or patch revision, then with a clean working tree, on the master branch, run the Rake task accordingly:

bin/rake version:bump[patch]

This'll update the appropriate files, commit and tag the release for you, but it won't push it to Github. You can do that yourself when you're ready:

git push origin master
git push origin --tags 

When the tests pass, Travis will run the publish task, which will deploy the style-guide site to, compiled assets to, and a gzipped archive to Github Releases.

Running the Tests


See the Rakefile for additional options.


Shared resources for Chef web properties







No packages published


  • CSS 41.1%
  • Ruby 28.3%
  • HTML 24.9%
  • JavaScript 5.7%