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Event interface

Available Protocols

The |Supvisors| Event Interface can be created either using a |ZeroMQ| socket or using |websockets|.

All messages consist in a header and a body.


The |websockets| implementation requires a :command:`Python` version 3.7 or later.

Message header

This header is a unicode string that identifies the type of the event and that is defined as follows in the supvisors.ttypes module:

class EventHeaders(Enum):
    """ Strings used as headers in messages between EventPublisher and Supvisors' Client. """
    SUPVISORS = 'supvisors'
    INSTANCE = 'instance'
    APPLICATION = 'application'
    PROCESS_EVENT = 'event'
    PROCESS_STATUS = 'process'
    HOST_STATISTICS = 'hstats'

The header value is used to set the event subscriptions.

Message data

The second part of the message is a dictionary serialized in JSON. Of course, the contents depends on the message type.

Key Type Value
'fsm_statecode' int The state of |Supvisors|, in [0;6].
'fsm_statename' str The string state of |Supvisors|, among { 'INITIALIZATION', 'DISTRIBUTION', 'OPERATION', 'CONCILIATION', 'RESTARTING', 'SHUTTING_DOWN', 'FINAL' }.
'discovery_mode' bool True if the |Supvisors| discovery mode is activated.
'starting_jobs' list(str) The list of |Supvisors| instances having starting jobs in progress.
'stopping_jobs' list(str) The list of |Supvisors| instances having stopping jobs in progress.

|Supvisors| instance status

Key Type Value
'identifier' str The identifier of the |Supvisors| instance.
'node_name' str The name of the node where the |Supvisors| instance is running.
'port' int The HTTP port of the |Supvisors| instance.
'statecode' int The |Supvisors| instance state, in [0;6].
'statename' str The |Supvisors| instance state as string, among { 'UNKNOWN', 'CHECKING', 'CHECKED'`, 'RUNNING', 'SILENT', 'FAILED', 'ISOLATED' }.
'discovery_mode' bool True if the discovery mode is activated in the |Supvisors| instance.
'remote_sequence_counter' int The remote TICK counter, i.e. the number of TICK events received since the remote |Supvisors| instance is running.
'remote_mtime' float The monotonic time received in the last heartbeat sent by the remote |Supvisors| instance, in seconds since the remote host started.
'remote_time' float The POSIX time received in the last heartbeat sent by the remote |Supvisors| instance, in seconds and in the remote reference time.
'local_sequence_counter' int The local TICK counter when the latest TICK was received from the remote |Supvisors| instance.
'local_mtime' float The monotonic time when the latest TICK was received from the remote |Supvisors| instance, in seconds since the local host started.
'local_time' float The POSIX time when the latest TICK was received from the remote |Supvisors| instance, in seconds and in the local reference time.
'loading' int The sum of the expected loading of the processes running on the node, in [0;100]%.
'process_failure' bool True if one of the local processes has crashed or has exited unexpectedly.

Application status

Key Type Value
'application_name' str The Application name.
'statecode' int The Application state, in [0;3].
'statename' str The Application state as string, among { 'STOPPED', 'STARTING', 'RUNNING', 'STOPPING' }.
'major_failure' bool True if the application is running and at least one required process is not started.
'minor_failure' bool True if the application is running and at least one optional (not required) process is not started.

Process status

Key Type Value
'application_name' str The Application name.
'process_name' str The Process name.
'statecode' int The Process state, in {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, 200, 1000}. A special value -1 means that the process has been deleted as a consequence of an XML-RPC update_numprocs.
'statename' str The Process state as string, among { 'STOPPED', 'STARTING', 'RUNNING', 'BACKOFF', 'STOPPING', 'EXITED', 'FATAL', 'UNKNOWN' }. A special value DELETED means that the process has been deleted as a consequence of an XML-RPC update_numprocs.
'expected_exit' bool True if the exit status is expected (only when state is 'EXITED').
'last_event_time' float The date of the last process event received for this process, regardless of the originating |Supvisors| instance.
'identifiers' list(str) The identifiers of the |Supvisors| instances where the process is running.
'extra_args' str The additional arguments passed to the command line of the process.


The expected_exit information of this event provides an answer to the following |Supervisor| request:

Process event

Key Type Value
'group' str The Application name.
'name' str The Process name.
'state' int The Process state, in {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, 200, 1000}. A special value -1 means that the process has been deleted as a consequence of an XML-RPC update_numprocs.
'expected' bool True if the exit status is expected (only when state is 100 - EXITED).
'now' float The monotonic time of the event in the reference time of the host.
'pid' int The UNIX process ID (only when state is 20 - RUNNING or 40 - STOPPING).
'identifier' str The identifier of the |Supvisors| instance that sent the initial event.
'extra_args' str The additional arguments passed to the command line of the process.
'disabled' bool True if the process is disabled on the |Supvisors| instance.

Host statistics

Key Type Value
'identifier' str The identifier of the |Supvisors| instance.
'target_period' float The configured integration period, in seconds.
'period' list(float) The start and end uptimes of the integration period, as a list of 2 values in seconds.
'cpu' list(float) The CPU (IRIX mode) on the node, in percent. The first element of the list is the average CPU. The following elements correspond to the CPU on every processor core.
'mem' float The memory occupation on the node, in percent.
'net_io' dict(str, list(float) The received and sent bytes per network interface.
'disk_io' dict(str, list(float) The read and written bytes per physical device.
'disk_usage' dict(str, float) The usage per physical partition, in percent.

Process statistics

Key Type Value
'namespec' str The Process namespec.
'identifier' str The identifier of the |Supvisors| instance.
'target_period' float The configured integration period, in seconds.
'period' list(float) The start and end uptimes of the integration period, as a list of 2 values in seconds.
'cpu' float The CPU (IRIX mode) of the process on the node, in percent.
'mem' float The memory occupation of the process on the node, in percent.

|ZeroMQ| Implementation

The |ZeroMQ| implementation relies on a PUB-SUB pattern provided by |PyZMQ| (:command:`Python` binding of |ZeroMQ|).

When the event_link option is set to ZMQ, |Supvisors| binds a PUBLISH |PyZMQ| socket on all interfaces using the event_port option defined in the :ref:`supvisors_section` of the |Supervisor| configuration file.

|Supvisors| publishes the events in multi-parts messages. The first part is the message header, as a unicode string. The body follows, encoded in JSON.

To receive the |Supvisors| events, the client application must connect a SUBSCRIBE |PyZMQ| socket to the address defined by the node name and the port number where the |Supvisors| PUBLISH |PyZMQ| socket is bound.

|PyZMQ| makes it possible to filter the messages received on the client side by subscribing to a part of them. To receive all messages, just subscribe using an empty string.

For example, the following :command:`Python` instructions configure the |PyZMQ| socket so as to receive only the Supvisors Status and Process Status events:

socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, EventHeaders.SUPVISORS.value.encode('utf-8'))
socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, EventHeaders.PROCESS_STATUS.value.encode('utf-8'))

Python Client

|Supvisors| provides a :command:`Python` implementation of the |ZeroMQ| client subscriber. The SupvisorsZmqEventInterface is designed to receive the |Supvisors| events from a |Supvisors| instance. It requires |PyZMQ| to be installed.

.. automodule:: supvisors.client.zmqsubscriber

  .. autoclass:: SupvisorsZmqEventInterface

       .. automethod:: on_supvisors_status(data)
       .. automethod:: on_instance_status(data)
       .. automethod:: on_application_status(data)
       .. automethod:: on_process_status(data)
       .. automethod:: on_process_event(data)
       .. automethod:: on_host_statistics(data)
       .. automethod:: on_process_statistics(data)

import zmq.asyncio
from supvisors.client.clientutils import create_logger
from supvisors.client.zmqsubscriber import SupvisorsZmqEventInterface

# create the subscriber thread
subscriber = SupvisorsZmqEventInterface(zmq.asyncio.Context.instance(), 'localhost', 9003, create_logger())
# subscribe to all messages
# start the thread

JAVA Client

A :command:`JAVA` implementation of the |ZeroMQ| client subscriber is made available with each |Supvisors| release through a JAR file. This file can be downloaded from the Supvisors releases.

The SupvisorsEventSubscriber of the org.supvisors.event package is designed to receive the |Supvisors| events from the local |Supvisors| instance. A SupvisorsEventListener with a specialization of the methods onXxxStatus must be attached to the SupvisorsEventSubscriber instance to receive the notifications.

It requires the following additional dependencies:

The binary JAR of :program:`JeroMQ 0.5.2` is available in the JeroMQ MAVEN repository.

The binary JAR of :program:`Google Gson 2.8.6` is available in the Gson MAVEN repository.

import org.supvisors.event.*;

// create ZeroMQ context
Context context = ZMQ.context(1);

// create and configure the subscriber
SupvisorsEventSubscriber subscriber = new SupvisorsEventSubscriber(9003, context);
subscriber.setListener(new SupvisorsEventListener() {

    public void onSupvisorsStatus(final SupvisorsStatus status) {

    public void onInstanceStatus(final SupvisorsInstanceInfo status) {

    public void onApplicationStatus(final SupvisorsApplicationInfo status) {

    public void onProcessStatus(final SupvisorsProcessInfo status) {

    public void onProcessEvent(final SupvisorsProcessEvent event) {

    public void onHostStatistics(final SupvisorsHostStatistics status) {

    public void onProcessStatistics(final SupvisorsProcessStatistics status) {

// start subscriber in thread
Thread t = new Thread(subscriber);

|websockets| Implementation


The |websockets| implementation requires a :command:`Python` version 3.7 or later.

When the event_link option is set to WS, |Supvisors| creates a |websockets| server that binds on all interfaces using the event_port option defined in the :ref:`supvisors_section` of the |Supervisor| configuration file.

|Supvisors| publishes the event messages as a tuple of header, as a unicode string, and body, encoded in JSON.

To receive the |Supvisors| events, the client application must create a |websockets| client that connects to the address defined by the node name and the port number where the |Supvisors| |websockets| server has bound.

Filtering the messages is performed by adding headers to the path of the URI. To receive all messages, just add all to the path of the URI.

For example, the following :command:`Python` instructions configure the |websockets| client so as to receive only the Supvisors Status and Process Status events:

import websockets

uri = 'ws://localhost:9003/supvisors/process'
async with websockets.connect(uri) as ws:

Python Client

|Supvisors| provides a :command:`Python` implementation of the |websockets| client. The SupvisorsWsEventInterface is designed to receive the |Supvisors| events from a |Supvisors| instance. It requires |websockets| to be installed.

.. automodule:: supvisors.client.wssubscriber

  .. autoclass:: SupvisorsWsEventInterface

       .. automethod:: on_supvisors_status(data)
       .. automethod:: on_instance_status(data)
       .. automethod:: on_application_status(data)
       .. automethod:: on_process_status(data)
       .. automethod:: on_process_event(data)
       .. automethod:: on_host_statistics(data)
       .. automethod:: on_process_statistics(data)

from supvisors.client.clientutils import create_logger
from supvisors.client.wssubscriber import SupvisorsWsEventInterface

# create the subscriber thread
subscriber = SupvisorsWsEventInterface('localhost', 9003, create_logger())
# subscribe to all messages
# start the thread