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DDEV tools

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This add-on depends on DDEV.


The purpose of this DDEV add-on is to share my development DDEV's tools.

I mainly use it to work on Magento 2 modules, WordPress plugins and other PHP projects.


ddev get julienloizelet/ddev-tools


Work on a Magento 2 / Mage-OS module

Prepare DDEV environment

The final structure of the project will look like below.

│ (Magento 2 sources installed with composer)    
│   │   
│   │ (DDEV files)
       │ (Sources of a module)
Create a Magento 2 DDEV project
mkdir m2-sources && cd m2-sources
ddev config --project-type=magento2 --project-name=your-project-name --php-version=8.1 --docroot=pub --create-docroot --disable-settings-management
Install tools add-on and copy some files
ddev get julienloizelet/ddev-tools
ddev get ddev/ddev-elasticsearch
ddev start

Magento 2 installation

You will need your Magento 2 credentials to install the source code.

 ddev composer create --repository= magento/project-community-edition -y

Set up Magento 2

 ddev magento setup:install \
                       --base-url= \
                       --db-host=db \
                       --db-name=db \
                       --db-user=db \
                       --db-password=db \
                       --backend-frontname=admin \
                       --admin-firstname=admin \
                       --admin-lastname=admin \
                       --admin-user=**** \
                       --admin-password=**** \
                       --language=en_US \
                       --currency=USD \
                       --timezone=America/Chicago \
                       --use-rewrites=1 \
                       --search-engine=elasticsearch7 \

This should take ages.

Configure Magento 2 for local development

ddev magento config:set admin/security/password_is_forced 0
ddev magento config:set admin/security/password_lifetime 0
ddev magento module:disable Magento_AdminAdobeImsTwoFactorAuth (Magento >= 2.4.6 only)
ddev magento module:disable Magento_TwoFactorAuth
ddev magento indexer:reindex
ddev magento c:c

Install your module

cd m2-sources
mkdir -p my-own-modules/yourVendorName-yourModuleName
cd my-own-modules/yourVendorName-yourModuleName 
git clone ./
ddev composer config repositories.yourVendorName-yourModuleName path my-own-modules/yourVendorName-yourModuleName/
ddev composer require yourComposerModuleName:@dev
ddev magento module:enable yourVendorName_yourModuleName
ddev magento setup:upgrade
ddev magento cache:flush

Work on a WordPress plugin

Prepare DDEV environment

The final structure of the project will look like below.

│ (WordPress sources)    
│   │   
│   │ (DDEV files)
       └───your-plugin-name (only if you want to test some of your plugin(s))
Create a WordPress DDEV project
mkdir wp-sources && cd wp-sources
ddev config --project-type=wordpress --project-name=your-project-name
Install tools add-on and copy some files
ddev get julienloizelet/ddev-tools
ddev start

WordPress installation

ddev wp core download

Set up WordPress

     ddev exec wp core install --url='' --title='WordPress' --admin_user='****' --admin_password='****' --admin_email=''

Install your plugin

cd wp-sources
mkdir -p wp-content/plugins/your-plugin-name && cd wp-content/plugins/your-plugin-name
git clone ./




Anyone is welcome to submit a pull request to this repository.

Contributed and maintained by julienloizelet