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Crowd sourced database of VBB station platform wall (tile) color patterns.

You're invited to help, see the data structure and contributing sections!

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Installation and Usage

If you're using JavaScript, you can use the module by installing:

npm install vbb-platform-patterns

If you call the function exported by the module, it will return a stream that emits objects which look like this:

    station: {
        id: "900000079202",
        name: "U Boddinstr."
    lines: ["U8"],
    colors: [
    image: {
        source: "flickr",
        id: 15018334836,
        user: "ingolfbln"

Data structure

The dataset is located in data.ndjson, a ndjson file which you can edit using a text editor or vbb-platform-patterns-cli.

Let's take U Boddinstraße as an example: The dataset row would then contain the following information:

key name description required example
station Station. Object containing the keys below. yes {"id":"900000079202","name":"U Boddinstr."} Station ID* yes 900000079202 Station name (only for readability of the dataset) no U Boddinstr.
lines Lines that stop at the platform you're describing. yes ["U8"]
previousStation Previous station on the line. Only set this if there is different patterns on the platforms depending on where you're coming from (like at U Bundesplatz). See also nextStation no null Previous station ID* (yes) - Previous station name (only for readability of the dataset) no -
nextStation Next station on the line. Only set this if there is different patterns on the platforms depending on where you're coming from (like at U Bundesplatz). See also previousStation no null Next station ID* (yes) - Next station name (only for readability of the dataset) no -
colors Color(s) of the tile pattern. See the colors section for a list of valid values. yes ["silver", "blue"]
image CC-licensed image of the wall pattern. Can contain the station sign. Object describing either a {source: 'flickr', user: 'FLICKR_USER', id: 'FLICKR_IMAGE_ID'} (flickr) or {source: 'commons', id: 'Filename.jpg'} (wikimedia commons) image image no {"source":"flickr","id":15018334836,"user":"ingolfbln"}

* See this document if you don't know how to find out some station's VBB station ID

Finally, our example would give us the following data row for the NDJSON file:

{"station":{"id":"900000079202","name":"U Boddinstr."},"lines":["U8"],"colors":["silver","blue"],"image":{"source":"flickr","id":15018334836,"user":"ingolfbln"}}


Valid color values are all 17 CSS2 color names you can find here (black -> orange).


If you want to add information to the dataset, fork this repository, add information and finally submit a pull request. If you don't know how any of this works, you can also just open an issue with the information you want to add in text form and I'll add it to the dataset for you. The same applies if you have found an error or want to change anything about the data structure.

Please note that by contributing to this project, you waive any copyright claims on the information you add.


This dataset is licensed under the ODbL license (v1.0).


VBB station platform wall (tile) color patterns.








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