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Sawtooth는 분산원장(Distributed Ledger)을 구축, 배포 및 실행하기 위한 모듈식 플랫폼으로 확장가능한 transaction 유형을 가진 소프트웨어 프레임워크


  • PoET(scalable consensus algorithm)
  • Feature swappable consensus
  • Easy to develop and deploy
  • Supporting muli-language(python, go, rust, javascript)

Compare with Fabric

Sawtooth Fabric
Consensus Algorithm PoET Kafka
Size of the network Large networks Small networks
Security Roles and permissions MSP
Governance Less tighter governance Tighter governance


스크린샷 2018-07-01 오후 9.20.20


  • Submit transactions
  • Queries the database

Validator Process

  • Mediates access to the database
  • Validate transaction

Transaction Processor(Chain code)

  • Handle Business logic

Transaction Handling

  • Parallel scheduling


The Sawtooth Lake Distributed Ledger consists of three major architectural layers:

  • Ledger layer
  • Journal layer
  • Communication Layer


Ledgers are a conceptual semantic and data model layer for transaction types. In addition to some in-built system ledgers (Endpoint Registry, and Integer Key Registry), implementing new classes in the ledger layer allows for the creation of new transaction families. Transaction family is structured as client, state, transaction processor.

The MarketPlace Transaction Family, located in the extensions directory of sawtooth-core, is a good example of how the ledger layer can be extended.


A journal handles consensus on blocks of transactions. The journal provides global consensus on block ordering, transaction ordering within blocks, and the content of transactions.


Sawtooth Lake implements PoET as a consensus mechanism.

Repository Structure

  • Gossip networking layer
  • Basic transaction, block, and message objects
  • PoET journal consensus mechanism
  • Built-in transaction families
  • Validator(acts as a node on the gossip network)

Example of Transaction Processors(Smart Contract)

The overall structure of transaction processor is similar to the chaincode of the fabric, and it runs as a process without using the docker.

Package Structure

|— src

|——— main.go

|——— handler

|—————— hander.go

SmallBack Transaction Processor

type SmallbankHandler struct {

func (self *SmallbankHandler) FamilyName() string {
	return "smallbank"

func (self *SmallbankHandler) FamilyVersions() []string {
	return []string{"1.0"}

func (self *SmallbankHandler) Namespaces() []string {
	return []string{namespace}

func (self *SmallbankHandler) Apply(request *processor_pb2.TpProcessRequest, context *processor.Context) error {
	payload, err := unpackPayload(request.GetPayload())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	logger.Debugf("smallbank txn %v: type %v",
		request.Signature, payload.PayloadType)

	switch payload.PayloadType {
	case smallbank_pb2.SmallbankTransactionPayload_CREATE_ACCOUNT:
		return applyCreateAccount(payload.CreateAccount, context)
	case smallbank_pb2.SmallbankTransactionPayload_DEPOSIT_CHECKING:
		return applyDepositChecking(payload.DepositChecking, context)
	case smallbank_pb2.SmallbankTransactionPayload_WRITE_CHECK:
		return applyWriteCheck(payload.WriteCheck, context)
	case smallbank_pb2.SmallbankTransactionPayload_TRANSACT_SAVINGS:
		return applyTransactSavings(payload.TransactSavings, context)
	case smallbank_pb2.SmallbankTransactionPayload_SEND_PAYMENT:
		return applySendPayment(payload.SendPayment, context)
	case smallbank_pb2.SmallbankTransactionPayload_AMALGAMATE:
		return applyAmalgamate(payload.Amalgamate, context)
		return &processor.InvalidTransactionError{
			Msg: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid PayloadType: '%v'", payload.PayloadType)}

func applyCreateAccount(createAccountData *smallbank_pb2.SmallbankTransactionPayload_CreateAccountTransactionData, context *processor.Context) error {
	account, err := loadAccount(createAccountData.CustomerId, context)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if account != nil {
		return &processor.InvalidTransactionError{Msg: "Account already exists"}

	if createAccountData.CustomerName == "" {
		return &processor.InvalidTransactionError{Msg: "Customer Name must be set"}

	new_account := &smallbank_pb2.Account{
		CustomerId:      createAccountData.CustomerId,
		CustomerName:    createAccountData.CustomerName,
		SavingsBalance:  createAccountData.InitialSavingsBalance,
		CheckingBalance: createAccountData.InitialCheckingBalance,

	saveAccount(new_account, context)

	return nil

func applyDepositChecking(depositCheckingData *smallbank_pb2.SmallbankTransactionPayload_DepositCheckingTransactionData, context *processor.Context) error {
	account, err := loadAccount(depositCheckingData.CustomerId, context)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if account == nil {
		return &processor.InvalidTransactionError{Msg: "Account must exist"}

	new_account := &smallbank_pb2.Account{
		CustomerId:      account.CustomerId,
		CustomerName:    account.CustomerName,
		SavingsBalance:  account.SavingsBalance,
		CheckingBalance: account.CheckingBalance + depositCheckingData.Amount,

	saveAccount(new_account, context)

	return nil

func applyWriteCheck(writeCheckData *smallbank_pb2.SmallbankTransactionPayload_WriteCheckTransactionData, context *processor.Context) error {
	account, err := loadAccount(writeCheckData.CustomerId, context)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if account == nil {
		return &processor.InvalidTransactionError{Msg: "Account must exist"}

	new_account := &smallbank_pb2.Account{
		CustomerId:      account.CustomerId,
		CustomerName:    account.CustomerName,
		SavingsBalance:  account.SavingsBalance,
		CheckingBalance: account.CheckingBalance - writeCheckData.Amount,

	saveAccount(new_account, context)

	return nil


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