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Marc Philipp edited this page Sep 8, 2019 · 66 revisions


  • Ensure the composability of all extension APIs in JUnit Jupiter.
    • Requirements: A concrete extension must be able to implement all extension APIs supported by JUnit Jupiter without any naming conflicts or ambiguities with regard to method names or method signatures.
    • Manual inspection: although ExtensionComposabilityTests should catch any violations of the above requirements, it is recommended to update the KitchenSinkExtension in order to perform a manual inspection with the aid of a pair of human eyes.
  • Release @API Guardian and change apiGuardianVersion in accordingly, if necessary.
  • Release ota4j and change ota4jVersion in accordingly, if necessary.


  • Change version, platformVersion, and vintageVersion in to the versions about to be released
  • Change release date in Release Notes
  • Change release date and artifact versions in README.MD
  • Commit with message "Release ${VERSION}"
  • Execute ./gradlew clean build publish
  • Sanity check the actual contents of the generated Maven POMs
  • Update junit5-samples to use released version and create a branch for the released version (e.g. r5.0.0-M1)
    • The branch must be the same as for the junit5 repo; otherwise, links in the User Guide will be broken.
    • Run build-all-samples.jsh to ensure there's no error reported -- works best with JDK 10+.
  • Ensure the artifacts in the staging repo can be consumed using Gradle and Maven
  • Close staging repo on Nexus
  • Release staging repo on Nexus
  • Tag current commit (e.g. r5.0.0-M1)
  • Publish Javadoc and User Guide to GitHub pages
    • Prepare Git: git config --global commit.gpgsign false && git config --global $YOUR_EMAIL
    • Generate and upload docs
      • For GA releases: ./gradlew --no-daemon -PreleaseBranch=r5.0.0 -PreplaceCurrentDocs clean gitPublishPush
      • For milestones/RCs: ./gradlew --no-daemon -PreleaseBranch=r5.0.0-M1 clean gitPublishPush
      • The releaseBranch must match the previously created tag.
    • Restore old Git settings: git config --global commit.gpgsign true && git config --global --unset
  • Sanity check that the generated PDF for the User Guide is not corrupt
  • Change version, platformVersion, and vintageVersion properties in in master to new development versions and commit with message "Back to snapshots for further development" or similar
  • Push master and all tags to GitHub
  • Edit release description on GitHub: Link to User Guide and Javadoc for current version
  • Close milestone in GitHub issues
  • Drink some beer until release is on Maven central 🍻
  • Update "Current Versions" section in index.html with new vesions on branch gh-pages
  • Push samples release branch and master, if applicable, to GitHub
  • Tweet about the new release from junitteam