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PyTorch code accompanying the paper "Self-Improved Retrosynthetic Planning" (ICML 2021).


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Self-Improved Retrosynthetic Planning

This is an official implementation of our paper Self-improved Retrosynthetic Planning (ICML 2021) This implemented on top of Retro*.


Install packages with conda

conda create -n sirp python=3.7 pytorch=1.5.1 cudatoolkit=10.1 torchvision -c pytorch
conda activate sirp
conda install pandas
conda install rdkit -c rdkit
conda install networkx
conda install graphviz
conda install python-graphviz
pip install tqdm

Install Retro* lib

pip install -e retro_star/packages/mlp_retrosyn
pip install -e retro_star/packages/rdchiral
pip install -e .

Download dataset

Download dataset following Retro*.

Download 299202 target molecule dataset from link, and place the pkl file into ./retro_star/dataset/

Download pre-trained model

a) Reference backward reaction model

For a reference backward reaction model, we use backward reaction model trained by authors of Retro* (./one_step_model/saved_rollout_state_1_2048.ckpt). We initialize parameters of a backward reaction model to that of the reference backward model.

b) Forward reaction model

We provide our pre-trained forward reaction model, in this link, which is trained by reaction dataset constructed by authors of Retro*. Place the forward.ckpt file in ./retro_star/one_step_model/forward/.

c) (Optional) Trained backward reaction model

We provide checkpoint of bacward reaction model trainded by us in this link. See retro_star_zero_ours.ckpt and retro_star_value_ours.ckpt

Self-Improved Retrosynthetic Planning

Following scripts runs Retro*-0 + ours. If you want run Retro* + ours, add "--use_value_fn" option in (at step 1 and 3)

1. Generate reaction pathways

python \
  --test_routes ${TARGET_MOL_DATASET} \
  --mlp_model_dump ${BACKWARD_MODEL} \
  --result_folder ${RESULT_FOLDER} \
  --iteration 500

2. Extract reactions from pathways (with reaction augmentation)

python \
  --plan \
  ${RESULT_FOLDER}/plan.pkl \
  --save_path \
  ${RESULT_FOLDER}/gold.csv \
  --tpl2prod_save_path \
  ${RESULT_FOLDER}/templates.dat \
  --cut_off \
  -thr 0.8 \
  --aug_forward \
  --forward_model ${FORWARD_MODEL} \

3. Train backward reaction model

python -m packages.mlp_retrosyn.mlp_retrosyn.mlp_train \
    --template_path \
    ${RESULT_FOLDER}/templates.dat \
    --template_path_test \
    ${RESULT_FOLDER}/templates.dat \
    ./one_step_model/template_rules_1.dat \
    --model_dump_folder \
    --fp_dim 2048 \
    --batch_size 1024 \
    --dropout_rate 0.4 \
    --learning_rate 0.0001 \
    --train_path \
    ${RESULT_FOLDER}/gold.csv \
    --test_path \
    ${RESULT_FOLDER}/gold.csv \
    --train_from \
    --epochs 20

(Optional) Run whole procedure at once (with parallelization)

To parallelize the reaction pathway generation, we recommend to split the target molecule dataset.

mkdir ./retro_star/dataset/train_routes_shards
python preprocessing/

We offer a script which can conduct whole procedure of our framework at once. (We assume that you have access to 4 GPU. Otherwise, change the GPU_NUM option, i.e., GPU_NUM=1)

Retro*-0 + ours

For iteration 1,

./scripts/ \
    ${backward model_path} \
    ${forward model_path} \
    ${iter} \
    ${shard_from} ${shard_to} \
    ${gpu_start} ${gpu_num}

./scripts/ \
    one_step_model/saved_rollout_state_1_2048.ckpt \
    ./retro_star/one_step_model/forward/forward_model.ckpt \
    1 \
    0 11 \
    0 4

If you want iterate one more (iteration 2) with the updated backward model, run the following script.

./scripts/ \
    ${trained_backward_model} \
    ${forward_model_path} \
    2 \
    0 11 \
    0 4

Retro* + ours

For iteration 1,

./scripts/ \
    ${backward model_path} \
    ${forward model_path} \
    ${iter} \
    ${shard_from} ${shard_to} \
    ${gpu_start} ${gpu_num}


Backward reaction model

python \
    --model_path \

Retrosynthetic planning

You can evaluate retrosynthetic planning on Retro*-0 + Ours with following script.

cd retro_star
python \
    --iteration 500 \
    --result_folder \
    ./results/retro_star_zero/x1/multi-step/eval \
    --mlp_model_dump ${trained_backward_model}

You can evaluate retrosynthetic planning on Retro* + Ours with following script.

cd retro_star
python \
    --iteration 500 \
    --result_folder \
    ./results/retro_star_zero/x1/multi-step/eval \
    --mlp_model_dump ${trained_backward_model} \

After that, you can measure length | time | cost from the log file (plan.pkl)

python ./results/retro_star_zero/x1/multi-step/eval/plan.pkl


PyTorch code accompanying the paper "Self-Improved Retrosynthetic Planning" (ICML 2021).







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