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Generic AWS CloudWatch to Spreadsheet Exporter

Forked from Pete Zybrick's work @

CloudWatch doesn't provide an Export utility - this does. awscwxls creates spreadsheets based on generic sets of Namespace/Dimension/Metric/Statistic specifications. As long as AWS continues to follow the Namespace/Dimension/Metric/Statistic pattern, awscwxls should work for existing and future Namespaces (Services). Each set of specifications is stored in a properties file, so each properties file can be configured for a specific set of AWS Services and resources. Take a look at run/properties/ for a complete example.

To run:

  • Pre-requisites
    • Java 1.7
    • AWS account, .aws/credentials file containing your keys
    • AWS account must have CloudWatch IAM permission
  • Copy the run/ directory to the local file system
  • Review properties/ This is a very simple properties file that will extract EC2 statistics for a single instance
  • Update properties/ based on the TODO comments in the file
  • Run
    • Linux: ./runcwxls properties/
    • Windows: runcwxls properties/
  • Review the spreadsheet
  • Advanced
    • Review properties/ This is an example of collecting stats from multiple Namespace/Dimension/Metric/Statistic combinations
  • NEW: Command-line options
    • It is possible to pass all properties through command-line options instead of the properties file in Java-style -D<property=value> format
    • When not using a properties file, only startTime, endTime, dimensionValues.0, and periodMinutes.0 must be specified
    • Default namespace is AWS/EC2
    • Default dimensionName is InstanceId
    • e.g. java -jar awscwxls.jar -DstartTime="2017-12-01 00:00:00" -DendTime="2017-12-03 23:59:59" -DperiodMinutes.0=5 -DdimensionValues.0="i-05c44961d20f78ab7" -DxlsPathNamePrefix="/home/jose/cw-metrics" -DmetricStatisticNames.0="CPUUtilization|Average CPUUtilization|Minimum CPUUtilization|Maximum NetworkIn|Sum NetworkOut|Sum" -DcredentialsProfileName=default -DcredentialsRegion=ap-southeast-1
    • Pass --help option to get usage and a list of available options
    • Multiple namespaces are only supported using properties file (e.g. @ properties/

Java Project Overview

  • Maven project in Eclipse, but should easily port to other IDE's
  • Uses Apache POI to create the spreadsheets. Take a look at, encapsulates most of the POI complexity, creates the XLS.
  • Entry point: ExtractSpreadsheet.main()
  • does most of the heavy lifting - connecting to CW and getting the metrics/statistics

Sample properties file in sample-properties branch

Thanks to Alois Reitbauer, the examples on his blog accelerated my understanding of the CW API.

AWS Namespace list can be found at this page.


  • AWS will limit API calls when there are too many data points.


Export AWS CloudWatch metrics to a spreadsheet







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