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Benjamin Kappel edited this page Nov 19, 2020 · 4 revisions

Benefits of DaAPI

DaAPI is a simple to use and easy to integrate DHCPv6 server, developed with the needs of small ISPs in mind. The unique scope hiearchay concept, which is straightforward to learn, yet powerful, make it very comfortable to assign each customer (or devices) an IPv6 address and prefix.

Easy to configure

With DaAPI, there is no need to learn and understand a configuration syntax or file. You can't even create a configuration file. DaAPI (at its core, only an API) comes with a web interface. The web interface is a modern and comfortable way to configure DaAPI. Besides, it is a convenient way to get information about leases, incoming packets, and the operational performance of DaAPI.

No need for restarting the process

Other DHCP servers, usually the ones with configuration files, need to be restarted as soon as a configuration change, had happened. With DaAPI, configuration changes are immediately reflected. If you change, for instance, the preferred lifetime of a scope of a scope, an incoming request will be answered with the new parameter value. The same stays true if a scope is deleted.

Easy to run

Currently, you need to build DaAPI on your own. Although this task is not very complicated, it is still not as easy as possible. Providing compiled versions is on the roadmap. For more information about the build process, look at the project readme file.

DaAPI, as a .NET Core application, is cross-platform capable and can run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. (A list of the supported platforms is available here).

DaAPI can be compiled as a self-containing app, where the runtime is included in the app itself. A second way is to run it on a preinstalled runtime. When the runtime is included, just a "double click" is needed to start DaAPI. Either way, DaAPI has no other dependencies and can run without connecting to a SQL server or comparable infrastructure. So, you can run it and test easily and quickly evaluate whether it suits your purpose. After that, you can fine-tune it, to your environment, like using different URLs, an external authentication service, or a SQL database for storing the data or run it as a background process.

On the roadmap, it is a task to create DaAPI as a docker image. So after testing, it is easy to integrate DaAPI in a cluster environment. An easy to use helm chart will be provided as well.

A modern API to interact with other systems

DaAPI is designed in an API first manner. The integrated web application only consumes the API. This approach allows DaAPI to be incorporated into other systems seamlessly. Have a look at the API documentation.

DaAPI uses an OpenId based authentication flow. While providing a simple authentication service to work out of the box, you can hook DaAPI into an existing OpenId authentication system. How to archive it is described in more detail in the article Authentication with OpenId.

An integrated notification system

At the current stage, the built-in notification system can only archive one very particular job. However, the next major release will include more generic actors, more triggers, and conditions. To find out more about upcoming features, look at the roadmap.

DaAPI has integrated powerful and customizable notifications systems. Based on specific events, like a renew of assigned address and conditions, actions like firing a Webhooks or starting a script can be triggered.