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Updated all prints and dies to use the new colored message subs.
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juster committed Feb 8, 2010
1 parent 11d08ec commit 13f6fa9
Showing 1 changed file with 59 additions and 45 deletions.
104 changes: 59 additions & 45 deletions script/cpan2aur
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.010;
use feature qw(say);

use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile splitpath splitdir);
use CPANPLUS::Dist::Arch qw(dist_pkgver);
Expand All @@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ use Term::ANSIColor qw(color);
use Archive::Tar qw();
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap);
use English qw(no_match_vars);
use version qw();
use POSIX qw();
Expand All @@ -37,8 +39,10 @@ my $NEED_LOGIN_MSG = 'You must create an account before you can upload packages.
my $PKG_EXISTS_MSG = qr{You are not allowed to overwrite the <b>.*?</b> package.};
my $CFGPATH = "$ENV{HOME}/.cpan2aur";

my $NEED_LOGIN_ERR = "Error: Login session was invalid.\n";
my $PKG_EXISTS_ERR = "Error: You tried to submit a package you do not own.\n";
sub error;

my $NEED_LOGIN_ERR = error( 'Login session was invalid.' );
my $PKG_EXISTS_ERR = error( 'You tried to submit a package you do not own.' );

# Command line flags
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,30 +104,40 @@ sub prompt_password
return $passwd;

sub _color_wrap
my ($color, $prefix, $msg) = @_;
my $result = wrap( $prefix, q{ } x length( $prefix ), $msg );
my $prefix_match = quotemeta $prefix;
$result =~ s{ \A $prefix_match }
{ color( "BOLD $color" ) . $prefix . "\033[0;1m" }exms;
$result .= color( 'RESET' );
return $result;

sub status
say color( 'BOLD GREEN' ), q{==> }, color( 'BOLD WHITE' ), shift,
color( 'RESET' );
say _color_wrap( 'GREEN', q{==> }, shift );

sub substatus
say color( 'BOLD BLUE' ), q{ -> }, color( 'BOLD WHITE' ), shift,
color( 'RESET' );
say _color_wrap( 'BLUE', q{ -> }, shift );

sub warning
say color( 'BOLD YELLOW' ), q{==> WARNING: }, color( 'BOLD WHITE' ), shift,
color( 'RESET' );
my $msg = shift;
chomp $msg;
warn _color_wrap( 'YELLOW', q{==> WARNING: }, $msg ), "\n";

sub error
say color( 'BOLD RED' ), q{==> ERROR: }, color( 'BOLD WHITE' ), shift,
color( 'RESET' );
my $msg = shift;
chomp $msg;
return _color_wrap( 'RED', q{==> ERROR: }, $msg ), "\n";
error( 'foo!' );

sub pkgdir
Expand All @@ -141,7 +155,7 @@ sub find_module
my $mod_or_dist = shift;
our $CB ||= CPANPLUS::Backend->new;
print "Looking up module for $mod_or_dist on CPAN...\n";
status "Looking up module for $mod_or_dist on CPAN...";
my $modobj = $CB->parse_module( module => $mod_or_dist );
# TODO: die if module not found?
return $modobj;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,11 +278,12 @@ sub _new_login_sid
] );

# Check for problems...
die "Bad username or password\n"
die error( 'Bad username or password' )
if ( $resp->content =~ /$BAD_LOGIN_MSG/ );

die "Error with AUR login, expected status code 302.\nGot status: ",
$resp->status_line if !( $resp->code == 302 && !$resp->is_success );
die error( "AUR login expected status code 302.
Got status: ", $resp->status_line )
if !( $resp->code == 302 && !$resp->is_success );

my $sid;
$ua->cookie_jar()->scan( sub { $sid = $_[2] if $_[1] eq COOKIE_NAME; } );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -315,7 +330,7 @@ sub _post_upload
# that we own, if the package file is older and ignored...
return if ( $resp->code() == 302 );

die "Error when uploading file, got http status ", $resp->status_line
die error( "When uploading file, got http status ", $resp->status_line )
unless ( $resp->is_success );

die $NEED_LOGIN_ERR if ( $resp->content =~ /$NEED_LOGIN_MSG/ );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,26 +390,26 @@ sub upload_pkgfile


print "Uploading $pkg_path to AUR...\n";
status "Uploading $pkg_path to AUR...";

my ($username, $sid) = _load_last_login();
$username ||= $NAME || prompt( 'Username:' );

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
# First try to reuse an old Session ID...
if ( $sid ) {
print "Sending package as $username...\n";
substatus "Sending package as $username...";
$ua->cookie_jar( _mk_session_cookie( $sid ));
eval { _post_upload( $ua, $pkg_path ) };
unless ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
print "Success.\n";
print 'Success.';

# Fall through to get a new session ID if we just need to re-login...
die $EVAL_ERROR unless ( $EVAL_ERROR =~ /$NEED_LOGIN_ERR/ );

print "Old session ID failed. Starting new session.\n";
substatus 'Old session ID failed. Starting new session...';

my $passwd = prompt_password();
Expand All @@ -403,9 +418,9 @@ sub upload_pkgfile
$sid = _new_login_sid( $ua, $username, $passwd );
_save_last_login( $username, $sid );

print "Sending package as $username...\n";
substatus "Sending package as $username...";
_post_upload( $ua, $pkg_path );
print "Success.\n";
substatus 'Success.';

Expand All @@ -419,7 +434,7 @@ sub upload_pkgdir
# Hopefully this is a package directory...
# printf "Uploading package from %s directory...\n",
# ( $pkgdir eq q{.} ? 'current' : $pkgdir );
chdir $UPLOAD unless ( $pkgdir eq q{.} );
chdir $pkgdir unless ( $pkgdir eq q{.} );

# Convert template to PKGBUILD if one exists in the directory.
tt_to_pkgbuild() if ( -f '' );
Expand All @@ -429,12 +444,12 @@ There is no PKGBUILD in the directory and no file or module names specified on
the command line. Unable to upload anything.

print "Creating source package with makepkg...\n";
status "Creating source package with makepkg...";
my $output = `makepkg --source --force --clean 2>&1`;

# We can only parse the output of makepkg to find the filename...
my @pkginfo = $output =~ /Making package: ([\w-]+) ([\d.-]+)/
or die "Error: makepkg returned unexpected output";
or die error( "makepkg returned unexpected output" );

my $pkgfile = ( join q{-}, @pkginfo ) . '.src.tar.gz';

Expand All @@ -453,9 +468,9 @@ sub upload_thing

if ( -f $thing ) {
die <<"END_ERR" unless ( $thing =~ /[.]src[.]tar[.]gz$/ );
$thing file is not named like a source package file.
die error( "$thing file is not named like a source package file." )
unless ( $thing =~ /[.]src[.]tar[.]gz$/ );

upload_pkgfile( $thing );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -492,7 +507,7 @@ sub new_tt_file
sub pkgbuild_to_tt
# Handle missing or existing files...
die <<'END_ERR' unless ( -f 'PKGBUILD' );
die error( <<'END_ERR' ) unless ( -f 'PKGBUILD' );
There is no PKGBUILD in the current directory that we can reverse into a
Expand All @@ -508,8 +523,8 @@ END_ERR
my ($distname) =
$pkgbuild_txt =~ m{^ source = \s* [^\n]* / ( [-\w]+ ) -\d }xms;

die "Error: Failed to determine the distribution name from the ",
"existing PKGBUILD\n" unless ( $distname );
die error( "Failed to determine the distribution name from the " .
"existing PKGBUILD" ) unless ( $distname );

# Replace all bash variables values we can with template values...
my $var_match = join '|',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -542,7 +557,7 @@ END_ERR
print $templ_file $pkgbuild_txt;
close $templ_file;

print "Reverse-engineered PKGBUILD to successfully\n";
substatus "Reverse-engineered PKGBUILD to successfully\n";

Expand All @@ -551,18 +566,18 @@ END_ERR
# Returns: A CPANPLUS::Dist::Arch object of the PKGBUILD's package.
sub tt_to_pkgbuild
print "Converting template to PKGBUILD...\n";
status "Converting template to PKGBUILD...";
return unless confirm_overwrite( 'PKGBUILD' );

open my $templ_file, '<', '' or die "open $!";
my ($distname) = ( scalar <$templ_file> ) =~ /^$TT_DIST_PREFIX(.*)$/;
die qq{Error: "$TT_DIST_PREFIX" line is missing from the
die error( qq{"$TT_DIST_PREFIX" line is missing from the template. This template file may not have been generated by
In order to use this .tt file with cpan2aur, insert the CPAN distribution's
name into the file prefixed with the above comment in quotes.
} unless $distname;
} ) unless $distname;

my $templ_text = do { local $/; <$templ_file> };
close $templ_file or die "close $!";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -623,7 +638,7 @@ sub get_pkgdir_info

# A source package file in the package dir has the highest precedence...
my ($pkg_name) = reverse splitdir( $pkg_dir )
or die "Error: Failed to extract pkgname from dir $pkg_dir";
or die error( "Failed to extract pkgname from dir $pkg_dir" );

# Choose the package with the latest version number...
my ($srcpkg) = reverse sort glob "$pkg_dir/$pkg_name-*.src.tar.gz";
Expand All @@ -633,7 +648,7 @@ sub get_pkgdir_info

# Next is the PKGBUILD file itself...
die "Error: $pkg_dir does not contain a PKGBUILD file\n"
die error( "$pkg_dir does not contain a PKGBUILD file" )
unless ( -f "$pkg_dir/PKGBUILD" );

open my $pkgbuild_file, '<', "$pkg_dir/PKGBUILD"
Expand All @@ -643,7 +658,7 @@ sub get_pkgdir_info

($dist_name, $dist_ver) = get_pkgbuild_info( $pkgbuild );

die <<'END_ERROR' unless ( $dist_name && $dist_ver );
die error( <<'END_ERROR' ) unless ( $dist_name && $dist_ver );
$pkg_dir/PKGBUILD does not seem to be made by cpan2aur.
We are unable to extract the CPAN distribution name from it.
Expand All @@ -655,7 +670,7 @@ sub upload_if_old
my ($thing) = @_;

print "==> Checking if $thing is up to date...\n";
status "Checking if $thing is up to date...";

my $type = ( -f $thing ? 'file' : -d $thing ? 'dir' : die <<"END_ERROR" );
$thing does not seem to be a source package file or directory!
Expand All @@ -667,7 +682,7 @@ END_ERROR
die );

my $mod_obj = find_module( $dist_name )
or die "Error: Unable to find $dist_name on CPAN!\n";
or die error( "Unable to find $dist_name on CPAN!" );

my $cpan_ver = version->new( dist_pkgver( $mod_obj->version ));
$dist_ver = version->new( $dist_ver );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -747,20 +762,18 @@ for my $arg ( @ARGV ) {
my $modobj = find_module( $arg );

unless ( $modobj ) {
warn "Failed to find a module named $arg\n";
warning( "Failed to find a module named $arg" );
next ARG_LOOP;

my $distobj = create_dist_arch( $modobj, ( $DIRECTORY
? 'prepare' : 'create' ))
or die 'Error: Failed to create CPANPLUS::Dist::Arch object';
or die error( 'Failed to create CPANPLUS::Dist::Arch object' );

if ( $DIRECTORY ) {
new_tt_file( $distobj );
next ARG_LOOP;

print "Created source package file ", $distobj->status->dist, ".\n";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -795,7 +808,8 @@ cd <package-directory>; cpan2aur [--reverse or --upload]
* If a module is specified, package and upload it.
* If nothing is specified, act upon the current
-c, --check [dir] Check if a source package or directory is outdated.
-c, --check [dir] Check if a source package or directory (with
source package in it) is outdated.
[file] If so, then --upload a new version.
-n, --name <username> Specify a different username to login to the AUR,
instead of the last one used.
Expand Down

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