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expose search facets via ws

Justin Clark-Casey edited this page Aug 8, 2017 · 5 revisions

Expose search facets on webservice

Date of creation: 2017-07-18

Status: On hold, since the underlying code change (get facet information) would require more work than expected. is a request to expose search facet information via a public endpoint.

A requirement is that this is extensible in the future (when other search information needs to be exposed).

Design alternatives:

1. Create a new endpoint to expose this information.

Possibly search/config returning JSON. Something like

         "E. coli",
         "B. subtilis",


  • Endpoint is search only, which might be more self-documenting


  • One of a number of config exposing endpoints that may be necessary as BlueGenes adds functionality

2. Create a new endpoint to expose this information but make it general

So other similar config information can be added in the future. Possibly info/ returning JSON. Something like

           "E. coli",
           "B. subtilis",


  • Endpoint is for general config, which aims to prevent a proliferation of similar endpoints in the future.


  • branding/ already exists and appears to have precedent for this information. Having two similar endpoints is not a great thing, though it wouldn't be hard to also serve the branding/ "defaults" key/value pairs on info/

3. Alternatively, search config info could be incorporated into the existing branding/ endpoint.

The name 'branding' is bad but it looks like the "defaults" property may already set a precedent.

Current example:

         "identifiers":"eve, zen, bib, r, h",
            "value":"D. melanogaster",
   "executionTime":"2017.07.18 16:20::51",

New would be

         "identifiers":"eve, zen, bib, r, h",
            "value":"D. melanogaster",
      "search": {
        "facets": [
            "E. coli",
            "B. subtilis",
   "executionTime":"2017.07.18 16:20::51",


  • Doesn't require another endpoint to expose simple information.
  • Future config exposure could also live in branding/


  • May be less self-documenting
  • May overload branding/ with information not of interest to many callers