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Cloud Compute Cannon is a tool aimed at scientists and more general users who want to use cheap cloud providers (such as Amazon) to perform large scale computes (number crunching).

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Cloud Compute Cannon is a tool aimed at scientists and more general users who want to use cheap cloud providers (such as Amazon) to perform large scale computes (number crunching). It aims to lower some of the biggest barriers and learning curves in getting data and custom code running on distributed cloud infrastructure. It can be run both as a command-line tool, or as a server for integrating into other tools via a REST API/websockets.

Use cases:

  • Simulating molecular dynamics
  • Numerical simulations, data crunching
  • Server infrastructure for scalable computation

Cloud Compute Cannon is designed to do one thing well: run docker-based compute jobs on any cloud provider (or your local machine) reliably, with a minimum or user intervention, and scale machines up and down as needed. Its feature set is purposefully limited, it is designed to be used standalone, or as a component in more complex tools, rather than be extended itself.


  • Run on any cloud provider supported by pkgcloud or your local machine.
  • Adding providers is straightforward, so that developers can potentially add their own company or university cloud infrastructure.
  • One line installation.
  • Simple configuration.
  • Any programming language or tool can be used by jobs, as long as it runs under Linux (docker is used for running jobs).
  • Worker machines will scale up and down as needed.
  • The client can be run on the command line, or run as a server for providing an API to other tools.




Cloud-compute-cannon installs globally.

npm install -g cloud-compute-cannon

This installs the ccc executable.


'Hello world' example

--command='["python", "-c", "print(\"Hello World!\")"]

ccc run --image=elyase/staticpython --command='["python", "-c", "print(\"Hello World!\")"]' --output=./localOutputDir

This assumes you have docker installed on the local machine, since we haven't specified any cloud provider, such as AWS. It instructs a worker to pull the python docker image, creates a container that runs the python command. The output option instructs cloudcannon to copy the results (here only the stdout) to the directory.

When the job is finished, you should see the text file ./localOutputDir/stdout containing the string "Hello world!".

There are many other options that are documented below.

Kibana/Elasticsearch Dashboard

You can see logs for the entire stack at:


The first time you'll need to configure Kibana:

Click on settings in the top-line menu, choose indices and then make sure that the index name contains 'logstash-*', then click in the 'time-field' name and choose '@timestamp';

To confirm there are indices go to:


and you should see logstash-*** indices.


Deploying to a remote machine, or deploying anywhere that uses real cloud providers (e.g. AWS, GCE) requires passing in a configuration file.

Example config yaml files are found in compute/servers/etc.

Yaml config example:

  type: "local"
  rootPath: "data/ServiceStorageLocalFileSystem"

  - type: "PkgCloud"
    maxWorkers: 2
    minWorkers: 0
    priority: 1
    #billingIncrement are measured in MINUTES. AWS defaults to 60 if this is not set
    billingIncrement: 58
      provider: "amazon"
      keyId: "AKIAIWJON3HDJ"
      key: "SLV3lNIPbGwv6oSy"
      region: "us-west-1"
        - Key: "Name"
          Value: "CCC_Server"
      InstanceType: "m3.medium"
      ImageId: "ami-652c5505"
      KeyName: "ccc-keypair"
      Key: |
        -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        - Key: "Name"
          Value: "CCC_Worker"
      InstanceType: "m3.medium"
      ImageId: "ami-61e99101"
      KeyName: "ccc-keypair"
      Key: |
        -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

In the above configuration, only the credentials.keyId and credentials.key values need to be modified to run under your own AWS account.

Storage providers

    type: "local"
    rootPath: "data/ServiceStorageLocalFileSystem"
    type: "S3"
    rootPath: "/"
    container: "bucket-name"
    # You can use the S3 url or the cloudfront. The httpAccessUrl
    # is prepended to the file path.
    #httpAccessUrl: ""
    httpAccessUrl: ""
      provider: "amazon"
      #You can use keyId/key or accessKeyId/secretAccessKey field names
      keyId: "your keyId"
      key: "your key"
      region: "us-west-1"

More coming soon!


Call the this API endpoint to run the suite of internal functional end-to-end tests:

curl HOST:PORT/api/rpc/server-tests

This will return the tests results in JSON and a status of 200 if the tests pass, or a 500 status if any test fails.


CloudComputeCannon is written in Haxe. To develop, you'll need to install Haxe, (Docker +1.12, and Node+NPM.

Steps for running the functional tests locally:

  1. Clone the repo and install libraries, submodules, etc

    git clone cd cloud-compute-cannon npm run init

The npm run init command wraps steps that are identical to the Dockerfile, since that creates an environment for compiling and running the server.

To compile, run:

haxe etc/hxml/build-all.hxml

To run you'll need the rest of the stack (database, registry, logging). In a new terminal window in the cloud-compute-cannon directory run the following command. It assumes you have (Docker installed:


Then in another terminal window, run:

haxe test/testsIntegration.hxml

To run individual tests:

./bin/test <>[.optionalMethod]

Running tests on cloud providers

  1. Set up an instance on e.g. AWS. Map the IP address to an entry in your ~/.ssh/config for passwordless operations. We'll call our alias "dev".

  2. Create your server configuration file (default name="ccc.yml", see above).

./bin/reloading-stack-deploy <ssh alias (dev)>

  1. On server compiles

./bin/reloading-stack-sync <ssh alias (dev)>

The server code and config will be copied over and the server restarted. Restaring means running the tests.

Optionally create an .env file in the root of the repo, this will be consumed by the reloading server.

Developing locally and having compiled server builds automatically uploaded to a remote server and restarted

  1. Set up an instance on e.g. AWS. Map the IP address to an entry in your ~/.ssh/config for passwordless operations. We'll call our alias "dev".

./bin/run-stack-remote-dev <ccc.yml>

  1. Code and build! Updates are automatically pushed to the remote server!


To contact the authors, please email: or post an issue.


Copyright 2015 Autodesk Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Cloud Compute Cannon is a tool aimed at scientists and more general users who want to use cheap cloud providers (such as Amazon) to perform large scale computes (number crunching).






No packages published


  • Haxe 98.0%
  • Shell 1.3%
  • Other 0.7%