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Gridsome Remark plugin to embed external stuff into your gridsome site.

Live Demo

Supported providers


npm install --save @noxify/gridsome-plugin-remark-embed

How to use

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      use: '@gridsome/source-filesystem',
      options: {
        path: 'blog/**/*.md',
        route: '/blog/:year/:month/:day/:slug',
        remark: {
          plugins: [
            [ '@noxify/gridsome-plugin-remark-embed', {
                'enabledProviders' : ['Youtube', 'Twitter', 'Gist'],


Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
enabledProviders array Defines which embed providers are enabled Youtube, Twitter, Gist, Codepen, Soundcloud, JSFiddle, Giphy, Spotify []
Youtube Object Configuration for Provider: Youtube see YouTube configuration see YouTube configuration
Twitter Object Configuration for Provider: Twitter see Twitter configuration see Twitter configuration
Gist Object Configuration for Provider: Gist see Gist configuration see Gist configuration
Codepen Object Configuration for Provider: Codepen see Codepen configuration see Codepen configuration
Soundcloud Object Configuration for Provider: Soundcloud see Soundcloud configuration see Soundcloud configuration
JSFiddle Object Configuration for Provider: JSFiddle see JSFiddle configuration see JSFiddle configuration
Giphy Object Configuration for Provider: Giphy see Giphy configuration see Giphy configuration
Spotify Object Configuration for Provider: Spotify see Spotify configuration see Spotify configuration
Vimeo Object Configuration for Provider: Vimeo see Vimeo configuration see Vimeo configuration
Flickr Object Configuration for Provider: Flickr see Flickr configuration see Flickr configuration
Facebook Post Object Configuration for Provider: Facebook Post see Facebook Post configuration see Facebook Posts configuration
Facebook Video Object Configuration for Provider: Facebook Video see Facebook Video configuration see Facebook Video configuration
Imgur Object Configuration for Provider: Imgur see Flickr configuration see Imgur configuration
Instagram Object Configuration for Provider: Instagram see Instagram configuration see Instagram configuration
CodeSandbox Object Configuration for Provider: CodeSandbox see CodeSandbox configuration see CodeSandbox configuration

Custom Provider Template

You can overwrite the default provider template. Just add the template property with the path to the .hbs template inside your provider config.

remark: {
  plugins: [
    [ '@noxify/gridsome-plugin-remark-embed', {
        'enabledProviders' : ['Youtube', 'Twitter', 'Gist'],
        'Youtube' : {
            template: './src/providerTemplates/Youtube.hbs',

Behind the scenes, we're using path.resolve() to get the absolute path the example path is based on your project route like the baseDir from the @gridsome/source-filesystem


Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
width string Sets the maximum width for each video valid width value e.g. 500px 100%
align string / int Sets the alignment for each video 0, auto auto
margin string / boolean Allows to set a custom margin value.
Set false to disable the margin inside the html.
false, 5px 5px 5px 5px 0 <align value>


Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
hideConversation boolean Hides a parent thread of a tweet true, false true
hideMedia string Hides videos/photos/link previews true, false true
align string Sets the alignment for each embed none, left, center, right none
theme string Sets the theme for the embeds light, dark null
linkColor string Adjust the color of Tweet links Hex Value e.g. #FFCC00 null
widgetType string Sets the embed type video null
dnt boolean Allows/Forbids twitter to task user activity true, false true
omitScript boolean Automatically load/embed required resources true, false true


No configuration needed for this provider.

Show only a specific file

To show only one file, you can use the following syntax inside your markdown file:<user>/<gistid>#file1.js

Code Highlighting

To highlight one or more lines in a gist file, you can use the following syntax inside your markdown file:<user>/<gistid>?file=file1.js&highlights=1,3,5-10,15-20


Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
iframe boolean Use iframe embed method true, false false
height string / int Sets the height for each pen. Value without px or % 0-9999 265
theme string Sets the theme for the pens 0, dark, light 0
preview boolean Defines if the pen is running directly or after the click on "run pen" true, false true
tabs array Defines which tabs should be shown.
Info: Codepen allows only result + html/js/css and not result + html + css
result, html, js, css result

Tab Customizing for one pen

To overwrite the default tab configuration, you can use the following syntax inside your markdown file:



Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
width string Sets the maximum width for each track valid width value e.g. 500px 100%
height string / int Sets the height for each pen. Value without px or % 0-9999 81
color string Color play button and other controls. e.g. “#0066CC” Valid HEX Value with # #ff5500
auto_play boolean Start playing the item automatically true, false false
hide_related boolean Show/Hide related tracks true, false false
show_comments boolean Whether the player displays timed comments true, false true
show_user boolean Show/Hide the uploader name true, false true
show_reposts boolean Show/Hide reposts true, false false
show_teaser boolean Show/Hide the teaser of a track true, false true
visual boolean Show/Hide the image of a track true, false true
single_active boolean If set to false the multiple players on the page won’t toggle each other off when playing true, false true

Set custom height

To change the height for one embed (e.g. you want to show a profile or a playlist), you can use the following syntax inside your markdown file:



Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
width string Sets the maximum width for each fiddle valid width value e.g. 500px 100%
height int Sets the height for each fiddle 0-9999 300
iframe boolean Use iframe instead of <script> to embed a fiddle true, false true
secureConnection boolean Use https instead of http true, false false
tabs array Defines which tabs should be shown js, html, css, result ['js', 'html', 'css', 'result']
theme string Defines the theme for each fiddle light, dark light

Tab Customizing for one fiddle

To overwrite the default tab configuration, you can use the following syntax inside your markdown file:



Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
responsive boolean Use responsive embed instead of static iframe (480x480) true, false true


Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
width string Sets the maximum width for the iframe 400px, 100% 300px
height string Sets the maximum height for the iframe 400px, 100% 380px


Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
width string Sets the maximum width for the iframe 400px, 100% 640px
height string Sets the maximum height for the iframe 400px, 100% 360px
responsive boolean Use responsive iframe (if true, width and height are ignored) true, false false
autoplay boolean Start the video automatically true, false false
loop boolean Run the video in a loop true, false false


Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
width integer Sets the maximum width for the embed 1024 1024
height integer Sets the maximum height for the embed 768 768
omitscript boolean Removes the <script> part from the response html true, false true

Facebook Post

Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
width integer Sets the maximum width for the embed 100%, 400px 100%
omitscript boolean Removes the <script> part from the response html true, false true

Facebook Video

Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
width integer Sets the maximum width for the embed 100%, 400px 100%
omitscript boolean Removes the <script> part from the response html true, false true


Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
omitscript boolean Removes the <script> part from the response html true, false true


Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
maxwidth integer Sets the maximum width for the embed (min. 320) 400 500
hidecaption boolean Hides the caption text of the embed true, false false
omitscript boolean Removes the <script> part from the response html true, false true


Global Options

Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
codemirror integer Use CodeMirror editor instead of Monaco (decreases embed size significantly). 0, 1 0
editorsize integer Size in percentage of editor. 50, 100 50
eslint integer Use eslint (increases embed size significantly). 0, 1 0
expanddevtools integer Start with the devtools (console) open. 0, 1 0
fontsize integer Font size of editor in px 14, 20 14
forcerefresh integer Force a full refresh of frame after every edit. 0, 1 0
hidenavigation integer Hide the navigation bar of the preview. 0, 1 0
moduleview integer Evaluate the file that is open in the editor. 0, 1 0
previewwindow string Which preview window to open by default console, tests, browser browser
runonclick integer Only load the preview when the user says so. 0, 1 0
verticallayout integer Whether to show the editor and preview vertically. 0, 1 0
view string Which view to open by default split, editor, preview split

Additional URL Options

You can overwrite all defined global options per embed. The following options are only available as query parameter.

Name Type Description Allowed Values Default
highlights integer Which lines to highlight (only works in CodeMirror) 0, 1 0
initialpath string Which url to initially load in address bar /, /src /
module string Which module to open by default. Multiple paths comma separated are allowed, in that case we show them as tabs path to module (starting with /) entry path


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      use: '@gridsome/source-filesystem',
      options: {
        path: 'blog/**/*.md',
        route: '/blog/:year/:month/:day/:slug',
        remark: {
          plugins: [
            [ '@noxify/gridsome-plugin-remark-embed', {
                'enabledProviders' : ['Youtube', 'Twitter', 'Gist'],
                'Youtube' : {
                    //behind the scenes, we're using path.resolve() to get the absolute path
                    //the example path is based on your project route
                    //like the baseDir from the @gridsome/source-filesystem
                    template: './src/providerTemplates/Youtube.hbs',
                    nocookie: false,
                    width: '300px',
                    align: 'left'
                'Twitter' : {
                    align: 'center',
                    hideConversation: true

External Assets

By default, the plugin does not append or load external assets, you have to add the following resources manually.


The Twitter embed requires the following external asset:


The Codepen embed requires the following external asset:


The Gist embed requires the following external asset:

Get your own asset url

  1. Create a new github gist
  2. Add .json to the gist url e.g.<yourgithubname>/<gistid>.json
  3. Search for stylesheet
  4. Copy the url


The Vimeo embed requires the following external asset. This is asset is only required when responsive is set to true.


By default the omitscript is set to true. This means you have to embed by your own.


This is the default flickr script:

<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


By default the omitscript is set to true. This means you have to embed by your own.


(function(d, s, id) { 
	var js, 
	    fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; 
	if (d.getElementById(id)) return; 
	js = d.createElement(s); = id; 
	fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));


By default the omitscript is set to true. This means you have to embed by your own.



This is the default imgur script:

<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>


By default the omitscript is set to true. This means you have to embed by your own.



This is the default instagram script:

<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>



Special thanks goes to


Gridsome Remark plugin to embed external stuff into your gridsome site.



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  • JavaScript 86.6%
  • HTML 13.4%