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We build a system of objects that listen to each other on multiple networks. SERVER ONLY WORKS ON DEBIAN BASED OPERATING SYSTEMS.

Getting Started

There are three files to run if the user would like to run everything locally.

  1. C Server To compile, (be in Cs339Project2/src/server) sudo make install, then make To run, ./test.exe 7999
    The C server code will be running on a server, this is to test everything locally

    Built By:

  2. Python 3 Device Manager This will always run locally, this acts a middle man between the c server and a local network. To run this, (be in Cs339Project2/src/local) python3 To test locally or over multiple networks, device manager has to be run on each machine.

    Built By:

  3. Python 2.7 Hardware Simulation To simulate plugging devices in at the lowest level we developed scripts to be run as hardware. This is a console application, to run (be in Cs339Project2/src/local) python <name of object> This will give you commands to create objects that will send signals to a locally running device manager.

    Built By:

  4. Python 2.7 Front-End For the user to send commands to their lights, we developed a front-end communication system to send commands to any light on the user's LAN. To build, run the command python

    Built By:


C Server

  • Three distinct levels of operation. (Device Simulation -> Local network manager -> Main server)

  • Sends Json messages over UDP socket functionality

  • Times out device managers after a period of time.

  • Add devices to device manager

  • Delete individual devices

  • Device manager sends out heartbeats every other second.

  • Server reads the heartbeats as "routine" packets.

  • If the server restarts, it rebuilds itself using routine packets.

Device Manager

  • Builds objects from heartbeats from hardware

  • Uses multicast to update objects

  • Uses TCP to connect to a front-end

  • Can schedule tasks at specific times in a new thread

  • Front-end TCP connection lives in a new thread

  • Turn on/off lights based off of assigned port

  • Parses json messages to trigger events and build objects

  • Times out objects after not getting a heartbeat for 2-4 seconds

Front End

  • Python console application

  • Issues commands over a TCP connection to device manager

  • Able to issue turn on/off, list, and schedule commands

  • Error catching, can be booted up before or after the DM

  • Closes sockets such that it does not break the DM

Device Simulator

  • Creates a instance of a device that sends heartbeats to a local DM

  • Can be changed by json messages sent by DM


Local: Download the repo. Make sure you have a compiler for Python27 and Python3, you do not need a C compiler.

Server: The server currently only runs on a debian based linux distro. While in the server directory (Cs339Project2/src/server), run sudo make install. That will install all the packages need to handle the server. Then make to build the server.

Running the tests

  • In cs339Project2/test/local python - Runs Object related tests (31).

  • In the cs339Project2/test/server run the commands sudo make install then make then ./testing.exe (27).

  • In cs339Project2/test/local python - Runs DM related tests (5).

    Total Tests = 63

Built With/Requirements

  • Python27 - The compiler for device simulator

  • Python3 - The compiler for device manager

    • Netifaces - This package is needed for device manager to grab ip
  • C - The compiler for C (All C dependencies will be installed with make file)

    • json-c - dependency for server. Parses json args.

    • googleTest - Dependency for C tests


  • Jack West - Front-end, Server Dev, and networking Dev - jweezy24
  • Drew Mack - Built Simulator - drew-mack
  • Jack Broncato - Back-end C Dev - jman11111
  • Faisal Shaheen - Wrote Tests - F423
  • Asbel Assefa - Wrote Tests - asbel

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


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