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A re-frame coeffect for creating random passwords.

Unit tests status


Step 1.

Add the following project dependency:


Step 2.

In the namespace add the "require":

(ns app.core
    [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
    [rf-fx-password.core] ;; add this

Step 3.

The password is passed in the coeffects map under :random-password key.

The coeffect can be used either without any arguments:

 [(re-frame/inject-cofx :random-password)]      ;; add the coeffect
 (fn [{:keys [db random-password]} _]           ;; by default the password is 10
   (println "password:" random-password)        ;; characters long

;; password: SFfV&RnuWy

Or it can take a password length:

 [(re-frame/inject-cofx :random-password 16)]   ;; add the coeffect
 (fn [{:keys [db random-password]} _]           ;; password will have 16
   (println "password:" random-password)        ;; characters

;; password: y$zAq?"^k0g;Bn(V


rf-fx-password is 2-Clause BSD License.