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Exporting SVG from Blender

James Williams edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 3 revisions

After you have your scene setup and animated, you’ll need to export it for use with the command-line tool. There are a couple of settings you’ll have to consider to export a scene.

Default Settings:

Render Tab Render Layers Tab
Dimensions Freestyle Line Style SVG Export
Set your Start Frame and End Frame
Export Strokes CHECKED
Freestyle CHECKED
Export Fills CHECKED
Freestyle SVG Export CHECKED
Animation SELECTED
Freestyle SVG Export > Fill Contours CHECKED

Custom Settings


Render tab


Resolution Resolution refers to the output size of the drawing. The 3D view camera will update itself to the resolution. The default is 50% of 1080p but you can make the bounds much smaller if you are designing an icon.


The default is to place files in the tmp directory and using their frame or frame range as the title. You can add a prefix here if you want to differentiate the generated files.


Line Thickness

You can select a smaller absolute value.

Freestyle SVG Export

You can export a single frame versus a whole animation if the frame button is clicked. Note that if you click the Render Animation button (or select it from the Render menu) and have “Frame” clicked, it will not export a single frame, it will export all the frames as individual files.

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