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This application is an automation for generating Reddit-Stories style videos for TikTok.

🚧 Still in active development, with some known areas to optimize. 🚧

Currently creating videos with viable levels of quality can take between 5 and 10 minutes per video, so the most optimal way to run this currently is using a VM with a service such as, and SSH into the VM to run the app using the built in scripts.

You can find the TikTok account that is used to post some of these videos here: @ReddReelStoryz


Fortunately, docker-compose will take care of all of these dependencies for you if you intend to just run the app, you only need to have docker installed.

How it works


  1. Determine gender, improve the language in the post, and generate audio for the video.
  2. Generate SRT (subtitiles) for the video.
  3. Generate a title image for the video.
  4. Loop/Generate a background video
  5. Stitch all of the above together to create a final video.

While efforts have been made to reduce storage usage, the app still requires a few GB of storage to run. There are a few temp files that are generated and deleted during the process, before creating a final video which may be a few 100MBs in size, depending on optimizations.


(Video quality of these examples were reduced for the sake of the demo, the actual output is much better. Videos have also been trimmed for a better experience.)

Here is a clip of the output of the application, a TikTok-Ready video generated from a Reddit Post:


Here is a demo of the starting and usage of the web app that is used to interact with the generator:


There are also some scripts in ./scripts that expose some of the functionality of the app.

./scripts/ Exposes the functionality of the app to generate videos from a JSON file, for example:

I use this script on the SSH machine, as I can run multiple generations in parallel, and it is much faster than running the app in a single thread.

# "Usage: python <import_file_path> <output_directory> <config_preset> <parallel_processes>"
python -m scripts.generate_videos_from_json path/to/json/videos.json path/to/output/directory 4

With the following JSON file

  "videos": [
      "title": "AITA for ignoring my husband during our flight when he expressed anxiety over flying?",
      "content": "Post Body"
      "title": "AITA for not offering to pay after my niece accidentally ruined my sister’s wedding dress at my barbecue?",
      "content": "Post Body"
      "title": "AITA for getting upset when a \"family day\" was entirely centered around my sister?",
      "content": "Post Body"
      "title": "AITA for telling my wife that she should have included my daughter in her \"mother/daughter\" trip?",
      "content": "Post Body"
      "title": "AITA for not taking the day off to watch my step kid?",
      "content": "Post Body"

Will generate 5 videos with random backgrounds automatically. A utility tool is available at http://localhost/tools/json_generator, to generate the JSON for you with valid json formatting.

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 20 14 55

This is useful for setting up automations or batch processing of videos.

Environment Variables

There are some required environment variables that need to be set in order for the application to work. You can find the example files in the root directory of the project.

Here are some of the supported/required vars:


Properties marked with * are required for the application to work, the values above work for the docker-compose file.

Duplicate this file under project-root/.env-docker for running the app in docker - docker_example_file.

Duplicate this fileunder project-root/.env for local development - local_example_file.


You clone the repo and build the docker image, dependencies and start the container.

git clone &&
cd reddit-tiktok-gen &&
docker-compose up --build

However there are some additional steps that need to be taken in order to run the app, in particular adding media files that are too large for VCS.

Here is a script that downloads some default background videos that can be used for generation:

# For now, you can download your own background videos and run
# python -m scripts.add_new_background_video path/to/video.mp4)
# Ensuring the video file name saved as
# assets/background_videos/minecraft_background_video_1.mp4

Tech Stack

  • Python 3.12
  • Celery on top of Redis
  • SQLite
  • FastAPI w/ SSR
  • Docker


Reddit-Tiktok-Gen is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.