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Lookup Commands

kabii edited this page Apr 16, 2022 · 6 revisions

Lookup Commands

Lookup commands allow you to access and display information from other websites within Discord.

UrbanDictionary Lookup /ud

The /ud command allows you to look up a word or phrase on the UrbanDictionary.

WolframAlpha Queries /calc

The /calc command allows you to resolve a query using WolframAlpha. Wolfram supports a wide variety of inputs, taking both math and full sentence question inputs.

Examples: /calc 2+2

/calc integrate x^2 sin^3 x dx

/calc what is the circumference of planet earth

xkcd Comics /xkcd

xkcd comics can be pulled with the /xkcd command.

Twitch Stream Lookup /ttv

The /ttv command allows you to view current information on a Twitch livestream.

Skeb Profile Lookup /skeb

Pull basic information on a Skeb user profile.

Pixiv Image Embedder /pixiv

A very basic method to embed images for a Pixiv link.

Twitter Video Embedder /twittervid

A very basic method to pull a playable video from a Twitter link.