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RNG Commands

kabii edited this page Apr 16, 2022 · 8 revisions

🎲 Random Commands

The /roll Command

The /roll command is used to choose a random number.

/roll with no limits

Usage: /roll range

Running the /roll range command will roll a random number between 0-100.

Changing the range of the roll

/roll range has 2 options:

  • from: The lowest possible roll. Defaults to 0 but can be increased.
  • to: The highest possible roll. Defaults to 100 but can be increased or decreased.

Dice roll style

Usage: /roll dice <SIDES> <COUNT>

The /pick Command

The /pick command is used to make a random choice from a list of provided options.

/pick with a list of options

Usage: /pick <OPTIONS>

Example: /pick list:fred jeff to choose either fred or jeff.

/pick with no options

Usage: /pick

Simply running the /pick command will choose a user randomly, selected from the users who have recently sent a message in the channel (last 200 messages).

The /ask Command 🎱

The /ask command returns an original Magic 8 Ball™ response.

The /coinflip Command

Usage: /coinflip

🐥 Other Commands

Other, perhaps random commands.

Text to Regional Indicator Emoji 🔠

Usage: /emojify <TEXT>

Garble Text 🎲

Usage: /garble <TEXT>