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Run SQL over your Maven artifacts.

Slides from the talk "Talking SQL to Strangers".


camille-sql allows you to explore Maven artifacts you have on your local hard drive.

Run the server:

$ bin/camille-server
Artifacts repository path: /Users/<user>/.m2/repository/
Running server on localhost:26727

The server understands PostreSQL wire protocol, so you can connect to it using standard psql client:

$ PGPASSWORD=nopass psql "host=localhost port=26727 sslmode=disable"
psql (12.2, server 9.5.0)
Type "help" for help.


As you can see, psql is absolutely sure it talks to PostgreSQL version 9.5.0.

Now you have access to 2 tables: artifacts and versions. You can run any read-only SQL query: the server supports projections, filtering, grouping, joins, agg functions, sub-queries etc (pretty much all of SQL99).

Basic queries:

camille=> select * from artifacts limit 6;
    uid     |         group_id         |       artifact_id        |        name         |                   url
 3227713579 | alandipert               | desiderata               | desiderata          |
 3382955103 | aopalliance              | aopalliance              | AOP alliance        |
 1507835947 | asm                      | asm-parent               | ASM                 |
 226341444  | backport-util-concurrent | backport-util-concurrent | Backport of JSR 166 |
 1712481681 | biz.aQute                | bndlib                   | BND Library         |
 2280883480 | biz.aQute.bnd            | biz.aQute.bndlib         | biz.aQute.bndlib    |
(6 rows)
camille=> select * from versions where filesize > 10000 limit 5;
    uid     | version | filesize |      last_modified      |                   sha1
 3345961009 | 1.3.2   | 337129   | 2019-07-04 23:36:26.464 | ff84d15cfeb0825935a170d7908fbfae00498050
 1053708643 | 1.0.1   | 26514    | 2019-07-04 23:23:20.322 | 49c100caf72d658aca8e58bd74a4ba90fa2b0d70
 2740841946 | 1.6.5   | 1034049  | 2019-07-05 05:37:10.953 | 7d18faf23df1a5c3a43613952e0e8a182664564b
 925895164  | 0.4.4   | 42645    | 2020-02-01 06:45:59.599 | 2522f7f1b4bab169a2540406eb3eb71f7d6e3003
 136773645  | 1.9     | 263965   | 2019-07-04 23:25:30.09  | 9ce04e34240f674bc72680f8b843b1457383161a
(5 rows)

Something more complicated:

SELECT group_id, COUNT(*) AS n_files
FROM artifacts
LEFT JOIN versions ON artifacts.uid=versions.uid
GROUP BY group_id
         group_id         | n_files
 org.apache.flink         | 391
 org.apache.maven         | 245
 org.codehaus.plexus      | 186
 org.apache.hadoop        | 121
 org.apache.maven.doxia   | 108
 org.apache.maven.plugins | 82
 io.netty                 | 67
 org.apache.maven.shared  | 65
 org.apache.lucene        | 64
 org.apache.commons       | 62
(10 rows)


The project is mainly done out of pure curiosity:

  • figure out how does low-level PostgreSQL transport protocol (pgwire) look like
  • check on practice how simple or hard would it be to implement pgwire as a Netty codec
  • implement simple enough but not trivial example of defining relational algebra system using Apache Calcite
  • it's just fun and looks cool

Implementation Details

  • Netty to run async I/O server
  • Custom "codec" to encode/decode pgwire messages (see pgwire package). The tricky part of the codec is that very first message has a different structure compared to all following messages (from PostgreSQL documentation: because of purely historical reasons). Channel initializer creates pipeline with PgwireStartupMessageDecoder that will eventually remove itself after the first message is succesfully processed.
  • Server handler cycles over incomming SQL queries, decoding queries from bytes protocol and serializing result set into a proper sequence of messages (row descriptor -> row data -> command complete).
  • "Database" that actually executes query is implemented in m2sql package. It exposes JDBC connection, so the server uses standard java.sql interface when talking to it (see documentation for Apache Avatica library).
  • Apache Calcite is used for query parsing, query planning, query optimizaiton. High-level API is used to declare catalog structure, tables, schemas, relations and scanning logic.

More details in the deck.


"Precision is the difference between a butcher and a surgeon" (tm)

Implemented optimization:

  • prune unused fields: if "filesize" is not queried, we don't need to waste cpu/ram to calculate it
  • push-down filtering predicates: jump into a subfolder if prefix is known

Work in progress:

  • optimized join of artifacts and versions: we can walk files tree once to retrieve all the information we need


This is the project made for fun. Feel free to implement whatever feature you want and just drop a PR here ;) See TODO list below if you need ideas on what could be helpful (or what is critically missing).


  • Network encoding logic baked into DTO object is such a bad idea... Instead of toByteBuf method for each message type, the logic should be implemented in a single encoder with dynamic type-based dispatch
  • Propage errors (like, wrong queries) to the client instead of re-openning the connection
  • Additional PostgreSQL client features, like \l, show databases, show tables (need to register pg_catalog to make this happen)
  • pgwire protocol has way more message types that are currently implemented
  • Reject non-read queries (insert, update etc)
  • Push-down predicates for folder traversal (e.g. group_id LIKE com.apache.% predicate might be optimited by going directly to com/apache/ subfolder)
  • Better CLI for the server (logs, args parser help etc)
  • SSL, password authentication
  • Carry cancel flag around
  • DELETE versions


Copyright © 2020 camille-sql

camille-sql is licensed under the MIT license, available at MIT and also in the LICENSE file.