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kahanu edited this page Jun 1, 2011 · 15 revisions

Public Views screenshots

LogOn validation

Home page after successfully logging in

Register view - if the "Require Secret Question And Answer" setting is True in the web.config, then those fields appear automatically.

Register validation

Change Password view

Forgot Password view - the Password Requirements are generated from the web.config settings in the Membership section.

Forgot Password validation

Security Guard Dashboard screenshots

Dashboard view - this contains links to all the necessary operations.

Create User - this view will display the Question and Answer fields if it's set to True in the web.config.

Create User validation

Manage Users - you can search for users by UserName or Email, and the search uses a "Starts with" wildcard query. So you can enter "joe" and return all UserNames or Emails that start with "joe".

Searched User - you can click the UserName to view the details for the user. If you click the radio button, the "Grant Roles to User" link becomes enabled and redirects to the Grant Roles view.

User Details - the "Update" button just updates the email and comment fields. The link to "Approve" or "Deny" a user uses Ajax to update the field immediately. If the user is "Locked", a link will appear that allows you to unlock the user.

Deny User - this is an Ajax command that toggles the IsApproved value.

Grant Roles - this view allows you to grant roles to a user.

Role Granted

Role Revoked

Manage Roles

Add Role Validation

Delete Role Validation

Role Added

Role Deleted

View users in role

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