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Simple command line model generator for iOS development!

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#####what's ptgen ptgen is a commandline model generator for ios development.If you use mantle or LKDBHelper in your ios project, you can use it to generate your own model like rails style.


  • avoid repeating code
  • according http request auto generate model file
  • property and table column mapping
  • type and format transform


gem install PTGenerator

#####ptgen use ptgen is commandline, you can use it create model file like rails.

ptgen -[option] [property_list]
-a  all 
-l  local property list
-s  server property list
-d  database column list
-help detail help 

######common use Please use ptgen -h for detail. simple example as below:

ptgen student -l name:string age:int sex:string -s sname:string age:int sex:string

it will create StudentEntity.h and StudentEntity.m in current path. header file content as below:

//  StudentEntity.h
//  your_project_name
//  Created by CK on 15-08-11.
//  Copyright (c) 2015年 CK. All rights reserved.

#import <MTLModel.h>
#import <MTLJSONAdapter.h>

@interface StudentEntity: MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing>
@property(nonatomic,strong) NSString * name;
@property(nonatomic,assign) NSInteger age;
@property(nonatomic,strong) NSString * sex;


StudentEntity.m file content as below:

//  StudentEntity.h
//  your_project_name
//  Created by CK on 15-08-11.
//  Copyright (c) 2015年 CK. All rights reserved.

#import "StudentEntity.h"
#import <MTLValueTransformer.h>
//json column declare
static NSString * NameJsonKey = @"sname";
static NSString * AgeJsonKey = @"age";
static NSString * SexJsonKey = @"sex";

@implementation StudentEntity

#pragma mark - json method
+(NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey
	return @{

That's the model you want! It contain server json convert to local property!Of course you can add -d option to add database surpport:

ptgen student -l name:string age:int sex:string -s sname:string age:int sex:string -d *t_name t_age t_sex 

*is a table primary key. your must set primary key if you use -d.

If you want your server property name and local property name same , you can use as below:

ptgen DownloadModel -als title:string *imgUrlString:string downloadFinalPath:string totalContentSize:string speed:string retryCount:string isNeedResum:bool type:enum.RoleType

######according server http response If your server respons data is beautiful. you can create model according http response data (this version only support json) as below:

ptgen -ulsd "" -m /:Student

#####future ptgen contain nimbus cell support in version 2. But it's not very good. I will add it in future.If you any useful common function , you can tell . I'll add it in future.


Simple command line model generator for iOS development!






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