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Argo CD HA Self Managed Installation Platform for GitOps

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A project to practice Argo CD and GitOps

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Bootstrap management and application management of my Kubernetes applications.

🧐 How it works?

This project was based on the following topic that is present in the official ArgoCD documentation: Manage Argo CD using Argo CD.

Special thanks to @kurtburak for his article on Medium: "Self Managed Argo CD — App Of Everything", it gave me a great foundation to get started with these setups.

So, basically my Argo installation will be self managing its own settings present in the config folder. For this, first I install it with Terraform in my main cluster on AWS and then I guarantee that the resource created in Terraform will not apply any more changes.

✨ Demo

ArgoCD - Self Management

🛠️ Setup

Bootstrap ArgoCD with Terraform and Helm:

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.0"

  required_providers {
    helm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/helm"
      version = ">= 2.7"
    github = {
      source  = "integrations/github"
      version = "~> 5.0"

provider "helm" {
  kubernetes {
    host                   = try(data.kubernetes_host, "")
    cluster_ca_certificate = try(base64decode(data.cluster_ca_certificate), "")
    token                  = try(data.token, "")

data "github_repository_file" "argocd" {
  repository = "kaio6fellipe/argo"
  branch     = "main"
  file       = "config/argo-cd-values.yaml"

data "github_repository_file" "argocd_apps" {
  repository = "kaio6fellipe/argo"
  branch     = "main"
  file       = "config/argocd-apps-values.yaml"

resource "helm_release" "argocd" {
  chart            = "argo-cd"
  name             = "argocd"
  namespace        = "argocd"
  create_namespace = true
  repository       = ""
  version          = "5.28.1"
  force_update     = true

  values = [

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = all

resource "helm_release" "argocd_apps" {
  chart            = "argocd-apps"
  name             = "argocd-apps"
  namespace        = "argocd"
  create_namespace = true
  repository       = ""
  version          = "0.0.9"
  force_update     = true

  values = [

  depends_on = [

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = all

Obs: Ensure you have a properly configured cluster before doing this and override settings as needed.

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