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This is a minimalist yet powerful bot you need in every server.

About :

This bot was born out of curiousity to learn about discord js and provide with a minimalist yet powerful bot for discord servers. This is the bot you need in every server. It handles everything from and many more to come. More future updates are planned for this project so don't miss on awesome features. Invite it your server here >>.

  • Moderation
  • Game
  • Memes
  • Performing user requests

Built using:

  • Discord Js
  • Tenor Api (for custom gif's)


  • Heroku (Free tier)

Commands Supported :


put!help - Helps with the commands and features the bot offer

put!hey / put!hello - Say's hey to the user

put!servers - Show's the popularity of the server by showing in the servers the bot is present in

put!cc / put!clearchannel/ put!purge - Deletes the rescent converstion of that channel in bulk.

put!version - Display's the current running version of the bot.

put!gif - Sends in random hello gif

put!gif <argument> - Sends in gif related to the argument eg put!gif cute cat will send in a random cat gif

put!invite - Sends in the invite of the bot into the DM's

put!stats / put!sStats/ put!serverStats - Sends in the server status.

put!poll - Send a message first and then send this command to make the first message a poll

put!kick @user - Kick's the specified user if you have a kick permission in that server.

put!ban @user - Ban's the specified user if you have a ban permission in that server.

Want to contribute?

We welcome everyone who wan't to contribute to this project. Kindly look up to CODE_OF_CONDUCT and CONTRIBUTING guidlines before contributing. You are free to comeup with any contribution as you want just follow the following steps

  1. Raise an issue
  2. Wait for approval and getting it assigned
  3. Forks this repo.
  4. Clone your foked repo
  5. Create a new branch
  6. Do specific changes
  7. Push it to your fork on GitHub
  8. Raise a PR with the new branch you made

Need Support

Join our Discord Server to communicate with admin directly or get quick support from the team.

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