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tenzap edited this page Apr 13, 2022 · 6 revisions

Translating Kalkun to your own language is really easy.

  1. Download the translation file:

  2. Open the file with a text editor and start translating each line. Translate only the part that is after the = sign. This is PHP syntax, so you need to escape the ' character by adding a backslash \ before it. For example: \'.

  3. Be sure to leave the placeholders unchanged. You can put them wherever you want in the translation label, but leave them as it.


You should see PHP variables like this one:

$lang['Kalkun: Web based SMS Management'] = 'Kalkun: Web based SMS Management';
$lang['Dashboard'] = 'Dashboard';
$lang['Folders'] = 'Folders';
$lang['My Folders'] = 'My Folders';

Change the string based on your language, e.g. Bahasa should be like this:

$lang['Kalkun: Web based SMS Management'] = 'Kalkun: Manajemen SMS Berbasis Web';
$lang['Dashboard'] = 'Dasbor';
$lang['Folders'] = 'Berkas';
$lang['My Folders'] = 'Berkas Pribadi';


You may encounter placeholders like {0}, {1}... in the values. Please translate the text and keep these placeholders as is.

Placeholders like {0} or {1}... are replaced by PHP at compile time. They follow the syntax of PHP MessageFormatter class.

Submit your translation file

Open (preferably) a Pull Request or file an Issue with your file attached.

For a new language:

  • be sure to create it an directory following codeigniter language (AKA idiom) naming scheme. See CI3 Language Class and list of idioms.
  • please also add a copy for your language of the other used translation file. Typically date_lang.php & pagination_lang.php... See full list of these files in any other language directory of kalkun. These translated files should be grabbed from codeigniter3-translations repo.
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