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Add pegin validation utility methods
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stevenroose committed Jan 2, 2019
1 parent 037b260 commit fb8a453
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Showing 2 changed files with 379 additions and 0 deletions.
354 changes: 354 additions & 0 deletions src/pegins.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017-2017 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or

#include <pegins.h>

#include <arith_uint256.h>
#include <block_proof.h>
#include <chainparams.h>
#include <crypto/hmac_sha256.h>
#include <consensus/consensus.h>
#include <consensus/validation.h>
#include <mainchainrpc.h>
#include <pow.h>
#include <primitives/transaction.h>
#include <primitives/bitcoin/merkleblock.h>
#include <secp256k1.h>
#include <script/interpreter.h>
#include <script/standard.h>
#include <streams.h>
#include <util.h>


namespace {
static secp256k1_context* secp256k1_ctx_validation;

class Secp256k1Ctx
Secp256k1Ctx() {
assert(secp256k1_ctx_validation == NULL);
secp256k1_ctx_validation = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN);
assert(secp256k1_ctx_validation != NULL);

~Secp256k1Ctx() {
assert(secp256k1_ctx_validation != NULL);
secp256k1_ctx_validation = NULL;
static Secp256k1Ctx instance_of_secp256k1ctx;

bool GetAmountFromParentChainPegin(CAmount& amount, const Sidechain::Bitcoin::CTransaction& txBTC, unsigned int nOut)
amount = txBTC.vout[nOut].nValue;
return true;

bool GetAmountFromParentChainPegin(CAmount& amount, const CTransaction& txBTC, unsigned int nOut)
//if (!txBTC.vout[nOut].nValue.IsExplicit()) {
// return false;
//if (!txBTC.vout[nOut].nAsset.IsExplicit()) {
// return false;
//if (txBTC.vout[nOut].nAsset.GetAsset() != Params().GetConsensus().parent_pegged_asset) {
// return false;
//amount = txBTC.vout[nOut].nValue.GetAmount();
//TODO(rebase) reenable above for CA/CT
amount = txBTC.vout[nOut].nValue;
return true;

// Takes federation redeem script and adds HMAC_SHA256(pubkey, scriptPubKey) as a tweak to each pubkey
CScript calculate_contract(const CScript& federationRedeemScript, const CScript& scriptPubKey) {
CScript scriptDestination;
txnouttype type;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > solutions;
// Sanity check fedRedeemScript
if (!Solver(federationRedeemScript, type, solutions) || (type != TX_MULTISIG && type != TX_TRUE)) {

CScript::const_iterator sdpc = federationRedeemScript.begin();
std::vector<unsigned char> vch;
opcodetype opcodeTmp;
while (federationRedeemScript.GetOp(sdpc, opcodeTmp, vch))
size_t pub_len = 33;
if (vch.size() == pub_len)
unsigned char tweak[32];
CHMAC_SHA256(, pub_len).Write(, scriptPubKey.size()).Finalize(tweak);
int ret;
secp256k1_pubkey watchman;
secp256k1_pubkey tweaked;
ret = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(secp256k1_ctx_validation, &watchman,, pub_len);
assert(ret == 1);
ret = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(secp256k1_ctx_validation, &tweaked,, pub_len);
assert(ret == 1);
// If someone creates a tweak that makes this fail, they broke SHA256
ret = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_tweak_add(secp256k1_ctx_validation, &tweaked, tweak);
assert(ret == 1);
unsigned char new_pub[33];
ret = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(secp256k1_ctx_validation, new_pub, &pub_len, &tweaked, SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED);
assert(ret == 1);
assert(pub_len == 33);

// push tweaked pubkey
std::vector<unsigned char> pub_vec(new_pub, new_pub + pub_len);
scriptDestination << pub_vec;

// Sanity checks to reduce pegin risk. If the tweaked
// value flips a bit, we may lose pegin funds irretrievably.
// We take the tweak, derive its pubkey and check that
// `tweaked - watchman = tweak` to check the computation
// two different ways
secp256k1_pubkey tweaked2;
ret = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(secp256k1_ctx_validation, &tweaked2, tweak);
ret = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_negate(secp256k1_ctx_validation, &watchman);
secp256k1_pubkey* pubkey_combined[2];
pubkey_combined[0] = &watchman;
pubkey_combined[1] = &tweaked;
secp256k1_pubkey maybe_tweaked2;
ret = secp256k1_ec_pubkey_combine(secp256k1_ctx_validation, &maybe_tweaked2, pubkey_combined, 2);
assert(!memcmp(&maybe_tweaked2, &tweaked2, 64));
} else {
// add to script untouched
if (vch.size() > 0) {
scriptDestination << vch;
} else {
scriptDestination << opcodeTmp;

return scriptDestination;

template<typename T>
static bool CheckPeginTx(const std::vector<unsigned char>& tx_data, T& pegtx, const COutPoint& prevout, const CAmount claim_amount, const CScript& claim_script)
try {
CDataStream pegtx_stream(tx_data, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
pegtx_stream >> pegtx;
if (!pegtx_stream.empty()) {
return false;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
// Invalid encoding of transaction
return false;

// Check that transaction matches txid
if (pegtx->GetHash() != prevout.hash) {
return false;

if (prevout.n >= pegtx->vout.size()) {
return false;
CAmount amount = 0;
if (!GetAmountFromParentChainPegin(amount, *pegtx, prevout.n)) {
return false;
// Check the transaction nout/value matches
if (claim_amount != amount) {
return false;

// Check that the witness program matches the p2ch on the p2sh-p2wsh transaction output
CScript tweaked_fedpegscript = calculate_contract(Params().GetConsensus().fedpegScript, claim_script);
CScript witness_output(GetScriptForWitness(tweaked_fedpegscript));
CScript expected_script(CScript() << OP_HASH160 << ToByteVector(CScriptID(witness_output)) << OP_EQUAL);
if (pegtx->vout[prevout.n].scriptPubKey != expected_script) {
return false;

return true;

template<typename T>
static bool GetBlockAndTxFromMerkleBlock(uint256& block_hash, uint256& tx_hash, T& merkle_block, const std::vector<unsigned char>& merkle_block_raw)
try {
std::vector<uint256> tx_hashes;
std::vector<unsigned int> tx_indices;
CDataStream merkle_block_stream(merkle_block_raw, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
merkle_block_stream >> merkle_block;
block_hash = merkle_block.header.GetHash();

if (!merkle_block_stream.empty()) {
return false;
if (merkle_block.txn.ExtractMatches(tx_hashes, tx_indices) != merkle_block.header.hashMerkleRoot || tx_hashes.size() != 1) {
return false;
tx_hash = tx_hashes[0];
} catch (std::exception& e) {
// Invalid encoding of merkle block
return false;
return true;

bool CheckParentProofOfWork(uint256 hash, unsigned int nBits, const Consensus::Params& params)
bool fNegative;
bool fOverflow;
arith_uint256 bnTarget;

bnTarget.SetCompact(nBits, &fNegative, &fOverflow);

// Check range
if (fNegative || bnTarget == 0 || fOverflow || bnTarget > UintToArith256(params.parentChainPowLimit))
return false;

// Check proof of work matches claimed amount
if (UintToArith256(hash) > bnTarget)
return false;

return true;

bool IsValidPeginWitness(const CScriptWitness& pegin_witness, const COutPoint& prevout, bool check_depth) {
// 0) Return false if !consensus.has_parent_chain
if (!Params().GetConsensus().has_parent_chain) {
return false;

// Format on stack is as follows:
// 1) value - the value of the pegin output
// 2) asset type - the asset type being pegged in
// 3) genesis blockhash - genesis block of the parent chain
// 4) claim script - script to be evaluated for spend authorization
// 5) serialized transaction - serialized bitcoin transaction
// 6) txout proof - merkle proof connecting transaction to header
// First 4 values(plus prevout) are enough to validate a peg-in without any internal knowledge
// of Bitcoin serialization. This is useful for further abstraction by outsourcing
// the other validity checks to RPC calls.

const std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& stack = pegin_witness.stack;
// Must include all elements
if (stack.size() != 6) {
return false;

CDataStream stream(stack[0], SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
CAmount value;
try {
stream >> value;
} catch (...) {
return false;

if (!MoneyRange(value)) {
return false;

// Get asset type
if (stack[1].size() != 32) {
return false;
//TODO(rebase) CA
//CAsset asset(stack[1]);

// Get genesis blockhash
if (stack[2].size() != 32) {
return false;
uint256 gen_hash(stack[2]);

// Get claim_script, sanity check size
CScript claim_script(stack[3].begin(), stack[3].end());
if (claim_script.size() > 100) {
return false;

uint256 block_hash;
uint256 tx_hash;
int num_txs;
// Get txout proof
if (Params().GetConsensus().ParentChainHasPow()) {
Sidechain::Bitcoin::CMerkleBlock merkle_block_pow;
if (!GetBlockAndTxFromMerkleBlock(block_hash, tx_hash, merkle_block_pow, stack[5])) {
return false;
if (!CheckParentProofOfWork(block_hash, merkle_block_pow.header.nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) {
return false;

Sidechain::Bitcoin::CTransactionRef pegtx;
if (!CheckPeginTx(stack[4], pegtx, prevout, value, claim_script)) {
return false;

num_txs = merkle_block_pow.txn.GetNumTransactions();
} else {
//TODO(rebase) parent signed blocks
//CMerkleBlock merkle_block;
//if (!GetBlockAndTxFromMerkleBlock(block_hash, tx_hash, merkle_block, stack[5])) {
// return false;

//if (!CheckProofSignedParent(merkle_block.header, Params().GetConsensus())) {
// return false;

//CTransactionRef pegtx;
//if (!CheckPeginTx(stack[4], pegtx, prevout, value, claim_script)) {
// return false;

//num_txs = merkle_block.txn.GetNumTransactions();

// Check that the merkle proof corresponds to the txid
if (prevout.hash != tx_hash) {
return false;

// Check the genesis block corresponds to a valid peg (only one for now)
if (gen_hash != Params().ParentGenesisBlockHash()) {
return false;

//TODO(rebase) CA
//// Check the asset type corresponds to a valid pegged asset (only one for now)
//if (asset != Params().GetConsensus().pegged_asset) {
// return false;

// Finally, validate peg-in via rpc call
if (check_depth && gArgs.GetBoolArg("-validatepegin", DEFAULT_VALIDATE_PEGIN)) {
if (!IsConfirmedBitcoinBlock(block_hash, Params().GetConsensus().pegin_min_depth, num_txs)) {
return false;
return true;

// Constructs unblinded "bitcoin" output to be used in amount and scriptpubkey checks during pegin validation.
CTxOut GetPeginOutputFromWitness(const CScriptWitness& pegin_witness) {
CDataStream stream(pegin_witness.stack[0], SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
CAmount value;
stream >> value;

//TODO(rebase) CA
//return CTxOut(CAsset(pegin_witness.stack[1]), value, CScript(pegin_witness.stack[3].begin(), pegin_witness.stack[3].end()));
return CTxOut(value, CScript(pegin_witness.stack[3].begin(), pegin_witness.stack[3].end()));
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/pegins.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or


#include <amount.h>
#include <consensus/params.h>
#include <primitives/bitcoin/transaction.h>
#include <primitives/transaction.h>
#include <script/script.h>

/** Calculates script necessary for p2ch peg-in transactions */
CScript calculate_contract(const CScript& federationRedeemScript, const CScript& witnessProgram);
bool GetAmountFromParentChainPegin(CAmount& amount, const Sidechain::Bitcoin::CTransaction& txBTC, unsigned int nOut);
bool GetAmountFromParentChainPegin(CAmount& amount, const CTransaction& txBTC, unsigned int nOut);
/** Check whether a parent chain block hash satisfies the proof-of-work requirement specified by nBits */
bool CheckParentProofOfWork(uint256 hash, unsigned int nBits, const Consensus::Params&);
/** Checks pegin witness for validity */
bool IsValidPeginWitness(const CScriptWitness& pegin_witness, const COutPoint& prevout, bool check_depth = true);
// Constructs unblinded output to be used in amount and scriptpubkey checks during pegin
CTxOut GetPeginOutputFromWitness(const CScriptWitness& pegin_witness);


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