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Merge branch 'newResourceLoader' into mergekBind
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avivais committed Jun 25, 2012
2 parents a3df476 + 83699d1 commit 011138d
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Showing 160 changed files with 5,505 additions and 8,048 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -2,3 +2,6 @@
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs 100755 → 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#Sun Jun 03 22:51:33 PDT 2012
#Tue Jun 19 15:20:17 PDT 2012
9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions download.php

This file was deleted.

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions includes/DefaultSettings.php
Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,12 @@
/* Default skin can be any jquery based skin */
$wgDefaultSkin = 'kaltura-dark';

* Default player skin module diffrent from jquery theme,
* controls layout and enabled components
$wgVideoPlayerSkinModule = 'mw.PlayerSkinMvpcf';

// If the resource loader is in 'debug mode'
$wgResourceLoaderDebug = false;

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198 changes: 84 additions & 114 deletions kWidget/kWidget.js
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ var kWidget = {

// First ready callback issued
readyCallbacks: [],

// List of widgets that have been destroyed
destroyedWidgets: {},

// List per Widget callback, for clean destroy
perWidgetCallback: {},

// Store the widget id ready callbacks in an array to avoid stacking on same id rewrite
readyCallbackPerWidget: {},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,12 +94,6 @@ var kWidget = {
mw.setConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.NotPlayableDownloadLink', true );

// TODO deprecate in 1.7 where we don't have client side api.
if( window.jQuery && !mw.versionIsAtLeast( '1.3.2', jQuery.fn.jquery ) ){
kWidget.log( 'Kaltura HTML5 works best with jQuery 1.3.2 or above' );
mw.setConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.EnableIframeApi', false );

// Set iframe config if in the client page, will be passed to the iframe along with other config
if( ! mw.getConfig('EmbedPlayer.IsIframeServer') ){
mw.setConfig('EmbedPlayer.IframeParentUrl', document.URL );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,6 +147,10 @@ var kWidget = {
* @param {string} widgetId The id of the widget that is ready
jsCallbackReady: function( widgetId ){
if( this.destroyedWidgets[ widgetId ] ){
// don't issue ready callbacks on destoryed widgets:
return ;
// Check for proxied jsReadyCallback:
if( typeof this.proxiedJsCallback == 'function' ){
this.proxiedJsCallback( widgetId );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,26 +214,21 @@ var kWidget = {
return ;

// Check if we are overwriting an existing ready widget:
for( var widId in this.readyWidgets ){
if( widId == targetId && this.readyWidgets[widId] == true){
// Remove the ready state of widget:
delete( this.readyWidgets[ targetId ] );
// Unset any destroyed widget with the same id:
if( this.destroyedWidgets[ targetId ] ){
delete( this.destroyedWidgets[ targetId ] );

if( settings.readyCallback ){
var addCallback = false;
if( !this.readyCallbackPerWidget[ targetId ] ){
addCallback = true;
// store ready callback in perWidget array to avoid stacking callbacks for the same id.
this.readyCallbackPerWidget[ targetId ] = settings.readyCallback;
// Only add the ready callback if not already added for this video id:
if( addCallback ){
// only add a callback if we don't already have one for this id:
var adCallback = ! this.perWidgetCallback[ targetId ];
// add the per widget callback:
this.perWidgetCallback[ targetId ] = settings.readyCallback;
// Only add the ready callback for the current targetId being rewritten.
if( adCallback ){
this.addReadyCallback( function( videoId ){
if( videoId == targetId && _this.readyCallbackPerWidget[ targetId ] ){
_this.readyCallbackPerWidget[ targetId ]( targetId );
if( _this.perWidgetCallback[ videoId ] ){
_this.perWidgetCallback[ videoId ]( videoId );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,6 +276,31 @@ var kWidget = {

* Destroy a kWidget embed instance
* * removes the target from the dom
* * removes any associated
* @param {Element|String} The target element or string to destroy
destroy: function( target ){
if( typeof target == 'string' ){
target = document.getElementById( target );
if( ! target ){
this.log( "Error destory called without valid target");
return ;
var destoryId = target.getAttribute( 'id' );
for( var id in this.readyWidgets ){
if( id == destoryId ){
delete( this.readyWidgets[ id ] );
this.destroyedWidgets[ destoryId ] = true;
// remove the embed objects:
target.parentNode.removeChild( target );
target = null;
* Embeds the player from a set of on page objects with kEmbedSettings properties
* @param {object} rewriteObjects set of in page object tags to be rewritten
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -614,7 +638,7 @@ var kWidget = {

// Also append the script version to purge the cdn cache for iframe:
iframeRequest += '&urid=' + KALTURA_LOADER_VERSION;
iframeRequest += '&urid=' + MWEMBED_VERSION;
return iframeRequest;
getIframeUrl: function(){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -650,7 +674,7 @@ var kWidget = {

// Also append the script version to purge the cdn cache for iframe:
iframeSrc += '&urid=' + KALTURA_LOADER_VERSION;
iframeSrc += '&urid=' + MWEMBED_VERSION;

var targetNode = document.getElementById( targetId );
var parentNode = targetNode.parentNode;
Expand All @@ -665,95 +689,6 @@ var kWidget = {
parentNode.replaceChild( iframe, targetNode );

* Outputs a direct download link
* TODO replace with image link player for most limited device profiles
* @param {string} replaceTargetId target container for direct download
* @param {object} settings object used to build download link
outputDirectDownload: function( replaceTargetId, settings ) {

// Empty the replace target:
var targetNode = document.getElementById( replaceTargetId );
if( ! targetNode ){
kWidget.log( "Error could not find object target: " + replaceTargetId );
// remove all object children
// use try/catch to fix ie issue
try {
targetNode.innerHTML = '';
} catch (e) {
//while ( targetNode.hasChildNodes() ) {
// targetNode.removeChild( targetNode.lastChild );
var options = {};
// look some other places for sizes:
if( settings.width )
options.width = settings.width;
if( settings.height )
options.height = settings.height;
if( !options.width && )
options.width =;
if( !options.height && )
options.height =;
if( !options.height )
options.height = 300;
if( !options.width )
options.width = 400;

if( ! settings.wid && settings.partner_id ) {
settings.wid = '_' + settings.partner_id;

if( ! settings.partner_id && settings.wid ) {
settings.partner_id = settings.wid.replace('_', '');

// TODO: Add playEventUrl for stats
var baseUrl = SCRIPT_LOADER_URL.replace( 'ResourceLoader.php', '' );
var downloadUrl = baseUrl + 'download.php/wid/' + settings.wid;

// Also add the uiconf id to the url:
if( settings.uiconf_id ){
downloadUrl += '/uiconf_id/' + settings.uiconf_id;

if( settings.entry_id ) {
downloadUrl += '/entry_id/'+ settings.entry_id;

var thumbSrc = this.getKalturaThumbUrl({
'entry_id' : settings.entry_id,
'partner_id' : settings.partner_id,
// By default set the thumbnail size to the full window size.
'height' : ( document.body.clientHeight )? document.body.clientHeight : '300',
'width' : ( document.body.clientHeight )? document.body.clientHeight : '400'
var playButtonUrl = baseUrl + 'skins/common/images/player_big_play_button.png';
var playButtonCss = 'background: url(\'' + playButtonUrl + '\'); width: 70px; height: 53px; position: absolute; top:50%; left:50%; margin: -26px 0 0 -35px;';
var ddId = ( ) ? : 'dd_' + Math.round( Math.random() * 1000 );

var ddHTML = '<div id="' + ddId + '" style="width: ' + options.width + ';height:' + options.height + ';position:relative">' +
'<img style="width:100%;height:100%" src="' + thumbSrc + '" >' +
'<a id="directFileLinkButton" href="' + downloadUrl + '" target="_blank" style="' + playButtonCss + '"></a>' +

var parentNode = targetNode.parentNode;
var div = document.createElement('div'); = options.width + 'px'; = options.height + 'px';

div.innerHTML = ddHTML;
parentNode.replaceChild( div, targetNode );

// if failed, try appending after the node:
if( ! document.getElementById( ddId ) ){
parentNode.insertBefore( div, targetNode );

* Adds a ready callback to be called once the kdp or html5 player is ready
* @param {function} readyCallback called once a player or widget is ready on the page
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1192,7 +1127,8 @@ var kWidget = {
flashVarsToUrl: function( flashVarsObject ){
var params = '';
for( var i in flashVarsObject ){
params+= '&' + 'flashvars[' + encodeURIComponent( i ) + ']=' + encodeURIComponent( flashVarsObject[i] );
params+= '&' + 'flashvars[' + encodeURIComponent( i ) + ']=' +
encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify( flashVarsObject[i] ) );
return params;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1298,6 +1234,19 @@ var kWidget = {
// This arises when a base node is used (#2709 and #4378).
head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
* Add css to the dom
* @param {string} url to append to the dom
appendCssUrl: function( url ){
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var cssNode = document.createElement('link');
cssNode.type = 'text/css';
cssNode.rel = 'stylesheet'; = 'screen';
cssNode.href = url;
* Converts service configuration to url params
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1412,4 +1361,25 @@ var kWidget = {
window.KWidget = kWidget;
window.kWidget = kWidget;

// Implement JSON.stringify serialization if no native support exists:
JSON.stringify = JSON.stringify || function (obj) {
var t = typeof (obj);
if (t != "object" || obj === null) {
// simple data type
if (t == "string") obj = '"'+obj+'"';
return String(obj);
else {
// recurse array or object
var n, v, json = [], arr = (obj && obj.constructor == Array);
for (n in obj) {
v = obj[n]; t = typeof(v);
if (t == "string") v = '"'+v+'"';
else if (t == "object" && v !== null) v = JSON.stringify(v);
json.push((arr ? "" : '"' + n + '":') + String(v));
return (arr ? "[" : "{") + String(json) + (arr ? "]" : "}");

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kWidget/mwEmbedLoader.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// The version of this script
var logIfInIframe = ( typeof preMwEmbedConfig != 'undefined' && preMwEmbedConfig['EmbedPlayer.IsIframeServer'] ) ? ' ( iframe ) ': '';
kWidget.log( 'Kaltura HTML5 Version: ' + KALTURA_LOADER_VERSION + logIfInIframe );
kWidget.log( 'Kaltura HTML5 Version: ' + MWEMBED_VERSION + logIfInIframe );

// Define mw ( if not already set )
if( !window['mw'] ) {
Expand Down
28 changes: 8 additions & 20 deletions modules/AdSupport/AdSupport.loader.js
@@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
// Scope everything in "mw" ( keeps the global namespace clean )
( function( mw, $ ) { "use strict";

// Add sequence proxy to the player ( so that it gets sent over the iframe )
$ (mw ).bind( 'MwEmbedSupportReady', function(){
mw.mergeConfig( 'EmbedPlayer.Attributes', {
'sequenceProxy': null

// Check if a dependency of any plugin included AdSupport, if so add a adTimeline
// AdTimeline fires player events at ad opportunities
// @@TODO this should be handled in the base "ad" class.
Expand All @@ -18,27 +10,23 @@
mw.addAdTimeline ( embedPlayer );

// Ads have to communicate with parent iframe to support companion ads.
$( mw ).bind( 'AddIframePlayerBindings', function( event, exportedBindings){
// Add the updateCompanionTarget binding to bridge iframe
exportedBindings.push( 'AdSupport_UpdateCompanion', 'AdSupport_RestoreCompanion' );

// Add the updateCompanion binding to new iframeEmbedPlayers
$( mw ).bind( 'newIframePlayerClientSide', function( event, playerProxy ){

// Add the updateCompanion binding
var companionHTMLCache = {};
$( playerProxy ).bind( 'AdSupport_UpdateCompanion', function( event, companionObject) {
embedPlayer.bindHelper( 'AdSupport_UpdateCompanion', function( event, companionObject) {
companionHTMLCache[ companionObject.elementid ] = $('#' + companionObject.elementid ).html();
// TODO fix target to point to parent page.
$('#' + companionObject.elementid ).html(
$( playerProxy ).bind('AdSupport_RestoreCompanion', function( event, companionId){
embedPlayer.bindHelper('AdSupport_RestoreCompanion', function( event, companionId){
// TODO fix target to point to parent page.
if( companionHTMLCache[ companionId ] ){
$('#' + companionId ).html( companionHTMLCache[companionId] );

} )(, jQuery );
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion modules/DolStatistics/resources/mw.DolStatistics.js
Expand Up @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ mw.DolStatistics.prototype = {
// Device id
params['DEVID'] = _this.getConfig( 'DEVID' );
// Player protocol ( hard coded to html5 )
params['KDPPROTO'] = 'html5'; //mw.parseUri( mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.ServiceUrl' ) ).protocol;
params['KDPPROTO'] = 'html5'; //new mw.Uri ( mw.getConfig( 'Kaltura.ServiceUrl' ) ).protocol;

// Add custom params
for( var i =0; i < 10; i++ ){
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