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Samuel Mannehed edited this page Jul 15, 2019 · 22 revisions

Implementations of websockify

The primary implementation of websockify is in python, this repo. There are also alternative implementations in the novnc/websockify-js and novnc/websockify-other repos. The python implementation should be considered the supported websockify implementation. The alternate implementations are for experimentation and reference.

Feature Matrix

Here is the feature support matrix for the alternative websockify implementations compared with the primary python implementation.

Base Features

Name Language SSL/wss Flash Policy Server Web Server Hixie 75 / Hixie 76 IETF 6455 / HyBi 07+ Binary Data
websockify python yes yes yes 75/76 yes yes
websockify-js Node.js yes yes yes 76 yes yes
websockify-other/c C yes yes no 75/76 yes no
websockify-other/ruby Ruby no no no 76 yes yes
websockify-other/clojure Clojure ? no yes ?/76 yes no
kumina/wsproxy 2 C no yes no 76 yes no
VNCAuthProxy 3 python (twisted) yes no no 76 yes no
Java-WebSockify 4 Java yes yes yes no yes no
mod_websocket_tcp_proxy 5 C yes no yes 75/76 yes no
websockify-nginx-module 6 C yes no yes no yes yes

Additional Features

Name Multiprocess Multithreaded Daemonize Session Record Program Wrap Multiple Targets Run Once, Then Exit
websockify yes no yes yes yes yes yes
websockify-js yes no no no no no no
websockify-other/c yes no yes no no no yes
websockify-other/ruby no no no no no no no
websockify-other/clojure no yes no no no no no
kumina/wsproxy via inetd no via inetd no no yes no
VNCAuthProxy no yes yes no no no no
Java-WebSockify no yes no no no no no
mod_websocket_tcp_proxy N/A N/A N/A no no no no
websockify-nginx-module via nginx via nginx via nginx via nginx-lua no via nginx-lua no

Protocol draft/specification links: