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yt-dlp-gui 2023.03.05

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@kannagi0303 kannagi0303 released this 05 Mar 10:43
· 46 commits to master since this release

[Add] Added the Speed Limit feature.
[Add] Customizable location of yt-dlp, ffmpeg, etc. (Requires manual modification of yaml).
[Add] Added an option for automatic download after analysis.
[Add] Can be saved as an mkv file (click Browse to manually modify after analysis).
[Fixed] Corrected the issue of proxy settings being applied to aria2.
[Fixed] Improved the issue of not being able to start when there are no folder permissions.
[Fixed] Improved the issue of clipboard errors occurring at times.
[Change] Changed the layout position of the UI.

(The current version is the second edition, with minor fixes, so I did not advance the version number.)