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Releases: kannagi0303/yt-dlp-gui

yt-dlp-gui 2023.03.28

28 Mar 03:12
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[Add] Modified Date added Created Date (#92)
[Fixed] Unable to save merge as mkv (#98)

yt-dlp-gui 2023.03.21

21 Mar 01:30
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Mainly fixing the more noticeable bugs from the previous version.

  • [Fixed] Clipboard Error (#78, #85)
  • [Fixed] Default Audio Format not be selected (#88)
  • [Change] Make the Clipboard monitoring toggle more prominent (#86)

yt-dlp-gui 2023.03.20

20 Mar 06:13
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This is a version that rewrites a large amount of processes. I have not tested every detail thoroughly and I am unsure if past bugs will reoccur. If you are not confident in this version, I recommend that you place it in a different folder for testing. If you find any bugs, please let me know. Thank you.

  • [Add] Thumbnail, chapters, and subtitles can all be embedded in the video (#66)
  • [Add] The Modified time of the video can be set to the Modified time (default) or the upload date (#73)
  • [Add] Custom Notification Sound (#82)
  • [Add] The download format can be more flexible (#72, #82)
  • [Add] Notifications adds an action button, which can directly open the folder, and if possible, there will be a thumbnail on the notification panel.
  • [Fixed] Package format is incorrect when download video (#81, #82)
  • [Fixed] The automatic download process encountered an error and the program froze (#78)
  • [Change] Change the scaling control from a slider bar to a text input box (#74)
  • [Change] Depending on the video, certain unnecessary controls will be hidden
  • [Change] The layout of the UI has been modified to improve the overcrowded layout
  • [Change] The configuration file(.yaml) and language file(.lang) have been organized into categories and sections for improved readability (and editability).
  • [Change] Certain vocabulary in the language files has been deprecated and more customizable vocabulary has been added

yt-dlp-gui 2023.03.08

08 Mar 05:32
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[Add] Custom Temporary Path
[Add] Download Video (or Audio) Only, Can splite by Chapters (or Time Range)
[Add] Download Audio Can Convert to OGG, AAC, MP3...
[Add] UI Can Scale Size (80%~200%)
[Fixed] Optimizing UI interface.
[Fixed] Changing the thumbnail download method, proxy settings can be applied.
[Change] Changed Default Temporary Path to Target Folder.

yt-dlp-gui 2023.03.05

05 Mar 10:43
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[Add] Added the Speed Limit feature.
[Add] Customizable location of yt-dlp, ffmpeg, etc. (Requires manual modification of yaml).
[Add] Added an option for automatic download after analysis.
[Add] Can be saved as an mkv file (click Browse to manually modify after analysis).
[Fixed] Corrected the issue of proxy settings being applied to aria2.
[Fixed] Improved the issue of not being able to start when there are no folder permissions.
[Fixed] Improved the issue of clipboard errors occurring at times.
[Change] Changed the layout position of the UI.

(The current version is the second edition, with minor fixes, so I did not advance the version number.)

yt-dlp-gui 2022.11.29

29 Nov 02:52
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[New] Support Proxy Option
[New] Support Chapters Download
[New] About window allows localization authors to add more information (unlimited)
[Modify] Show Dynamic Range in video selection list (ex: HDR10)

  • About Chapters:

    • All, None = same original
    • Split by Chapters = After the download is complete, save the file by chapter
    • Chapter Lables = Only download single chapter (will override the Time Range setting)
  • If there is a problem with the new feature, please give me feedback

yt-dlp-gui 2022.11.14

14 Nov 05:00
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[New] Support localization

I use simple methods to support localization.
You can find the language that suits you in the languages folder.
Place yt-dlp-gui.lang in this folder in the same folder as yt-dlp-gui.exe
You can use the English version of the lang file as a template to modify the language you need
If you are willing to share your local language files, you are welcome to provide them to me, and I will be included in the languages

yt-dlp-gui 2022.11.04

04 Nov 03:46
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[New] YTDL-PATCHED support (experiment)
[Fixed] Cancel Button not working in Windows 7

and fix some issues

yt-dlp-gui 2022.10.10

10 Oct 08:41
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[Add] Always on Top
[Add] Explorer Target Folder
[Add] Remember Window State (Position & Size)
[Change] Cookie Need Ask Option
[Fixed] Cancel Button not working

I have not tested every function very carefully, I hope everyone can use it smoothly