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embrs is in development

embrs was initially written as part of work on a scoping exercise to provide early estimates of the environmental impacts of the diesel to electric bus transition published as Tivey et al 2023

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You can install the development version of embrs from Github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


embrs uses vehicle and route objects to build emission models in the classic form:

[emissions] * [activity]

For example:

# a EURO VI ICE diesel bus weighing 15925 kg
bus.1 <- bus_ice(name="E6DV", veh.wt=15925, euro.class="vi", eng.fuel="diesel") 
# a 30 km/hr route
route.30 <- route_veh_spd(30)
# multiple them 
mod <- bus.1 * route.30
# plot that

Vehicles can also be added together to make fleets and these and routes can be multiplied to produce small-scale emission inventories or compare emissions on different routes.

For example:

# EURO VI diesel versus Battery Electric BUS comparison from Tivey et al (2023)

# a EURO VI ICE diesel bus weighing 15925 kg
bus.1 <- bus_ice(name="E6DV", veh.wt=15925, euro.class="VI", eng.fuel="diesel") 
# a battery electric bus weighing 17725 kg (and conventional brakes) 
bus.2 <- bus_bev(name="BEV", veh.wt=17725) 
# like bus.2 but with regenerative brakes operating at 25% efficiency
bus.3 <- bus_bev(name="BEV\nlow", veh.wt=17725, brk.regen = 0.25) 
# like bus.3 but 75% efficiency
bus.4 <- bus_bev(name="BEV\nhi", veh.wt=17725, brk.regen = 0.75)  
# a small fleet
fleet <- bus.1 + bus.2 + bus.3 + bus.4
# some routes 
routes <- route_naei_urban() + route_naei_rural() + route_naei_motorway()
# an inventory
inventory <- fleet * routes
# just plotting PM contributions by vehicle (bus.1 to 4)
plot(inventory, plot.type="by.vehicle", em.type="")


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